Aug 18, 2004 17:34
Well the first days of school, have been cool. I haven't made that many friends, but I sometimes, I feel to bored to talk to anybody, which is stupid because, that's the reason, I aM bored.
Well I'm going to be in Aerobics, even though, I can't stand the thought, of exercising with a big group of people ALSO exercising, in the same place, and occasionally, sitting on the stands, while we work our tails off.
Seminary has been cool, but I never thought Cory and Miles would be sooo obnoxious to S. Araya!! Cory, you need to be nicer to people, it'll get u alot farther in life! And Cory, Hehe, if u initiated JD, be ReAlLy MeAN!! Hehe...
Well I have 2g2 church now. But I have alot more to say!!!!!!