Jan 25, 2021 11:33
So I am thinking not one of my friends from my past is on here since most of us have Facebook accounts. I wanted a place to write that could be public but it wouldn't matter if no one read it. the pandemic has left me shell shocked. I have lost so many people and we have all missed our lives or risked our lives when we couldn't stand the isolation.
Since Orrin works I am home all day. Orrin is not much of a talker so I can go days without any human contact at all. To save myself from having to explain to people why I not only talk to myself, I answer the TV and have intimate relationships with my PC Generated companions in my video games.... I decided I would just throw this out here and see if like an echo... I am the only voice I hear or if perhaps there is someone out there who will comment on my absurdity. By writing,,, at least it takes away the stigma of total insanity and howling at stars.