
Jun 06, 2006 17:35

So I finally got a letter from Malaspina about Nursing. and guess what! i'm STILL on the waiting list. now i didn't even want to start until January, but i wanted to be accepted for September, and then defer until January so that i KNOW i'd be in. they just changed the way the waitlist works, so that now you have to fill out a personal profile, explaining why you want to be a nurse, and what specific relevant experience you have had. They sent out a big letter last december explaining the changes they made, and how it is not going to change you position on the current waitlist, but it gives you the opportunity to get in sooner. ok, so i'm still in the same position on the old waitlist....but a bunch of people can still get in before me!! RIGHT! that makes sense! Thanks! Now, if i even get in for january, it will have been over TWO years that i have been on the waitlist! and i know a person (and kerrie, i know you read this, so sorry) that applied in MARCH and were accepted in JUNE! how is that even remotely fair! i have been waiting a hell of a long time for this and i just keep getting screwed. and yes, i bet that if i was currently taking classes at mala then it would make a difference,...show them that i am ready to work....well too bad i can't afford to go to school without massive student loans, and i'm not going to take out student loans unless i am studying full time....in the NURSING PROGRAM! So i get to put up with another 6 months of "OH! and how do the Hush Puppies feel!?" without even knowing if there if there is an end in sight.

and my two roommates are not speaking to eachother.

and our router isn't wotking, so we don't have internet.

and i want to hook up cable, but i can't afford to because i need to save my money for driving lessons (and to buy the car for the practicums in the nursing program that i don't even know if i will be taking or not), and glasses (so that i can see the road while i'm taking my driving lessons to get the liscence to buy the car for the practicums in the nursing program that i don't evn know if i will be taking or not)

and i've just managed to get myself into a really shitty mood. SWEET.
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