Dec 10, 2009 10:29 some people who still check up on this blog I wonder if the few of you who have followed it remember a time where i spoke of boys quite often....well there was a period of few years back (i actually still talk about boys a lot but anyways..) in this period there was one boy in particular who ended up going coocoo bananas and he unfriended me on facebook and basically told me i was a "witch"....well he friended me again on facebook and I made the error of friending back and looking at more of the details of his friending me....he did it at 3 he was most likely drunk. I have a feeling it wasn't out of "oh that was a long time ago i wonder how she's doing" I'm hoping this doesn't come back and bite me in the butt. But, I couldn't help it! Theres something really satisfying about finding out where assholes end up..and if they are still in fact assholes!
I do fess up to being a bit of an asshole myself....truth be told i was kinda using him and thought he was in the same ball park as me..but apparently he was not and had "feelings".
It's just strange when these people pop out of your past. Sadly, his facebook did not reveal much about the new now i just feel the backlash coming on.
He lives out in the random part of chicago I work of two people who i never want to run into who live out there..and because they both at somepoint unfriended me....they didn't know i was there...luckily i only have two weeks left out there so....the old stalker behaviour of his that freaked me out..i pray doesn't reappear.
I really wonder what possessed him to add me....My guess NOW is that he was drunk seeing that it happened so late at night.
To give another example of was during the time of my VLOG which he confessed he watched over and over again in my absence...oh and i actually cited this fellow in my digital Identity papers at school. Because i had proven (at his expense) that he had in fact a more intimate relationship with my identity than i did with his. He saw all those videos and constant facebook posts and photos as a relationship with me..which was really with everyone..and so i was always forced onto his mind...while he who was a bit more shy never posted anything so i felt more distant.
But, it did prove that whether we know it or not people bond with us every day by witnessing our traces..its kinda like how people know celebrities without celebrities knowing them....
so, i guess i realize that was not really..well...nice...what i did using him as a study subject. I did like him..but i was scared how close he felt to me and i felt like i hardly knew him.
It's something that has made me more wary of the internet...I enjoy being an entertainer but i'd rather do it in a setting that makes people aware that i entertain many and not just them (if i don't know them)
Gosh this fella has brought a lot out of my head.
So what I'm saying is...gosh..maybe i should NOT have added him back on facebook after all haha. and I was actually more of the jerk back then and maybe i just don't enjoy him being around as a reminder of the capability i possess of being manipulative with men..yeah something I don't like but its there.