Ugh, I am not normal?

May 11, 2007 21:04

But I guess this is what normal people do? Blog? Or keep diaries (OH, THAT IS FRUITY I mean, uh)? Or use MYSPACE? I will blog. I am normal? This is a lie, but I will roll with it.

I'm working on a lot of Naruto fanfiction right now. I'm reading the manga and creating headcanon and generally being an asshat and ignoring all my other fandoms for this BRAND NEW SHINY THING WITH NINJAS. wreathsandbells is, to say the least, unpleased that I have temporarily lost interest in FF12. To this, I say "I WAS TRANSLATING BITS AND PIECES OF THE ULTIMANIA THE OTHER DAY. YOU TRY WRITING FANFIC WITH YOUR HEAD FULL OF NINJAS AND COMPLICATED KANJI WITH OUT THE LITTLE FURIGANA THINGERS".

I'm actually currently posting my first FINISHED Naruto fic all over the interweb. In fact, I just posted it here, and last night I posted it on FicWad, and now I'm posting it on To me, this is "all over the interweb". What can I say? I am hampered in my interwebbing spaces. It's, uh, unbeta'd. Mostly because nobody really wants to put up with my ninja-crazy. i will suffer through it. At least the fandom is active enough that I should get, like, reviews or something. Like I don't get on anything else. It all works out.

WoaP is still being stupid. AND DENDRIA MIGHT BE A LESBIAN? Or at least a female-preferring bisexual (also known as a lesbian). I was surprised by this turn of events, but not really. This is not nearly as surprising and frustrating as learning that Naoise likes boys--or at least Danovin. And Visbec. All I can say is, at least Cyrio and Bartha are still the same as they were. However, this development means that Greni is probably not worth having in the story, except as a flagbearer.

Working randomly on a whole BUNCH of stuff, and pretty much not sticking with my "current projects" and "upcoming projects" list. Which reminds me that I need to do research for "Screams From the Peanut-Butter Jar".

Rachelle again reitterated that she wants to read EVERYTHING I WRITE. I keep telling her that, No, she really doesn't. Especially not some of the stuff I mention around her, like Peanut-Butter. in fact, I think Peanut-Butter would give her CRAZY ACID NIGHTMARES. That and "The Rapture".

1) Cosplay Club Picnic. Tomorrow, in fact! We're going to the park to eat and be nerds, and it might rain. I am brining triskets and cheese, because everything else I know how to make either doesn't travel well, or takes too long to make.
2) Getting hay. Also happening tomorrow. I am the only one who is excited about this. Well, me and my mom and the animals. that is all.
3) Alicia's 17th birthday. Also also tomorrow. Actually, her birthday was today, but her PARTY is tomorrow. It will be fun. I'm only going to about half of it, harhar. Because, sorry, but kiraraplushie is, uh, cooler than Alicia? Trufax. Plus, I GO TO SCHOOL WITH ALICIA, and barely ever get to see my wife.
4) GETTING A FUCKING CAR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. For more elaboration, see below!
5) Graduation. Ugh, I hate "Battle Hymn of the Republic". And I hate how a lot of my friends are graduating. Super lame.
6) AP ENGLISH TEST. Eeeeek! Next Wednesday. That's, like, A BILLION ESSAYS IN NOT ENOUGH TIME. *worryworryworry* I am not a good essaist. I ramble too much. Eeeeeek.

So, I don't have a class for the last hour and a half of school, but I can't leave because 1) I have no money for the buses (and they don't go out toward my house anyway), and 2) I don't have a car. So I was lying in the grass on Monday and my friend Angela gave me a ride home. The next day, fed up with the Stupid White Boys in the library, I went out to lie in the grass again. Angela was actually DOING stuff, so I went wandering the campus. I ended up in Woodshop, where my friend Ray was.

At some point, we got to talking about jobs and cars and stuff.

I says, "Yeah, I'd be home right now, but I don't have a car. And I don't have a car because I don't have a job. And I don't have a job because--WELL YES." Vicious cycle, son of a bitch.

He says, "Yeah, I know how it is. My mom was all 'Get a job!' and I was all 'I have no job!'. But now I do have a car. It's a Good Thing."

I says, "I want a car. But I need something that RUNS for under, like, 500 bucks. Actually, under 100 bucks. This car does not exist."

"Actually," he says, "I'm being given a car. I was just gonna trash it out near Tumalo. But I could GIVE IT TO YOU, IF YOU WANT IT?"


So, yes. As soon as he gets the car, it gets signed over to me. The only thing wrong with it apparently: the front grill fell off, and the front bender is crunched in a little. I DO NOT CARE. As long as it runs, I am good. And it's an automatic, definitely a plus (because I can't drive stick to save my life. Fer realz & fer trufax). YAY CAR.

And that is pretty much my life to date. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see if I can't find some Asuma/Shikamaru to freak out my brain with.


personal life, random

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