Where are we anyway?

Jun 29, 2008 08:56

Okay, so I'm pretty sure this isn't a dream now. My dreams have never made this much sense. I mean, it doesn't make sense but it kind of does because everything's in a straight line and stuff and there's no random clown or something. But so, so, if this isn't a dream, and there's a whole bunch of people from different worlds and universes and times and stuff, then how did they all get here? Is this place, like, right in the middle of the universe and it's all like a giant spiderweb or something, so all roads lead to Paixao? Is this just where everybody ends up if they accidentally fall out of their own world? And how the heck did I fall out of my world anyway? Was I just walking along and accidentally stepped in a universe-hole or something? And I guess how we get across all the distance is like a worm-hole kind of thing (I read about those in a comic book), and so that's why I didn't notice it taking a while. I mean, seriously, just going to the next village in my world takes, like, a day and a half of walking, and I was here just like BANG! Or maybe it's magic. Do you think it's magic? That would be pretty cool too. Like some sorcerer dude goes KAZAM! and then you just disappear one place and pop up in another place. Or, or maybe I'm in both places and I just don't know it! What if we're all clone-things! How would we know?! Maybe I'm not really Uchiha Obito, maybe I only think I am! Oh my god! What if I don't really exist at all?! What if all my memories are made up?! Wait, wait, I think I'm getting carried away. But anyway, this place doesn't look like magic or technology or anything, so how did they get all this freaky stuff happening? And why aren't all the blond people worried about it? I mean, I'd be worried about it if a lot of people from all over the universe started showing up in Konoha. And who's in charge here, anyway? Shouldn't they be doing something about this? I mean, they're taking names, yeah, but it seems like they're letting pretty much anyone in. What if they let, like, a horrible people-eating monster in? Like, it said it's name was Steve and they were just all "Okay Steve, in you go!" I mean, it doesn't seem like they're turning anyone away. And then Steve would be a menace to everyone! The blond people and the new people too! Shouldn't they at least make us sign a "don't eat people" agreement or something? Do they have any police? Who's watching out for everybody here? Are there any kind of rules for this place? Nobody's told me any rules. What if I break one by accident because I don't know what they are?! What if there's, like, a no-jumping rule! I don't know! Are these things written down somewhere? Is there a Daimyou here? Or, like, a king or something? Who works for him? Can we go talk to him? And, hey, is everybody from different worlds or are some people from the same world? How do I find out if anybody's from my world? What if my friends were here and I didn't know it! I should look. The city can't be that big, right? I mean, it's all inside!
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