Dec 30, 2004 12:26
HeLlOOo EvEryBodY!!
Christmas is offically over and break is about to be too. =( - atleast i had fun and im so glad im back home in good ol' Bradenton. i missed you all especially my number one krystal. =)
sOUnDs ShHHHHhhWWWWWeeeeeeEEEEEEEEtTTTTt is RETIRED!!! krystal - would U?
everybody remember this ---> JaNuArY 14th my BIRTHDAY
ryan caberea concert!!!! IM SOOOO EXCITED!!! =) YES we got the CONDO!! - i know
you come home sooOoOon and im SOooOOO ExCiTEd!!! <3 9.5