On Friday night Chris took off his clothes and I snapped away. I received permission to post our photoshoot online..
Overall I took around 380 photos and still have more to go through. Many are more revealing, which I won't be posting. I took these in the midst of feeling quite crappy and when I finally sat down and Chris was in the room with me, I got all tense and exclaimed that I hated these pictures because they were either blurry or noisy, or something. But over the past few days he's calmed me down about all that. Sometimes a piece of art need not be that glossy sharp crisp image for the subject to enjoy it. You either make it for you, or you worry about nothing and/or what everyone else thinks. But, when you make art for you, you develop a confidence in what you do and learn from your mistakes.. So that next time the accidentals become intentionals and you'll have your crisp shot when on demand..
Anyway -- did I mention that I'm really enjoying my trip here..?
Oh yeah, we went out to Applebees for a Steak Dinner tonight and then came back to talk about art and look at the pictures Chris took at the Cosmosphere yesterday.
I took some too.. cool place!
Well, I leave in a couple of days and I will miss Chris and Eric... hopefully they can get their butts to Chicago sometime..
more updates to come later.