Pushing comes to SHOVE

May 30, 2007 10:11

If you're a Chicagoland or a State of Illinois resident and care in some way shape or form about loosing public transit in Chicago, or at the very least are super concerned with the possibility of paying $7.00 a ride during peak hours.. go here: http://www.savechicagolandtransit.com/ The site has a wealth of information about the CTA as well as what's wrong with the current funding level of the entire RTA system. Based on my personal experience roving around the state, I'd say Chicago is probably the most populated place in Illinois and in some way I feel that the entire state will experience a downturn if public transit in Chicagoland disappears or is drastically cut. It's just not a pretty looking picture for those without any other means of transport.

2007, cta, transit, chicago, policy issues

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