More photos taken statistics - a simple comparison.

Mar 15, 2007 23:07

In all of 2006 I took 6,391 photos. I purchased the camera in Mid February.
In all of 2007 I've taken 2,999 photos. If I continue on an average of 1100 photos a month, I will have taken 13,200 photos in 2007
Which would be an increase of 6,809 photos over 2006 or roughly a camera use increase of 206%

I would like to set a goal of 500 photos a day. If I did that, then per month (average 30 days a month) Which would bring my yearly photo total (if I start a rolling 12 month thing) to 180,000 photos, or a camera use increase of 1364 %

The closest I've gotten to taking 500 photos in one day in 2007 was January 20th, when I shot photos of my friend in his band The Assembly over at the Metro. Unfortunately, the lighting was such that my camera was not very sensitive too. (sigh, can only do ISO 400) And in 2006, August 5th, during Chicago's annual Northalsted Market Days.

I just fear that I would be overwhelming it a bit.

Your thoughts on all these numbers, goals, or something else on your mind?

Oh, and one more factoid I've posted 4,480 photos on the flickr.

2007, statistics, photos

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