Sep 29, 2006 08:42
1) What TV show(s) do you find yourself watching the most? Friends, Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy and soon to be the OC and 24 again
2) What if any TV shows do you own on DVD? Friends, I'm only missing season 9
3) Can you name your favorite TV show theme song (I would encourage you to make a phone post and sing it to us)? I'll be there for you by the Rembrants....I'll be there for you when the rain starts to fall...lalalala...this is also my ringer for when Jennifer calls
4) Have you ever been on TV and if so for what? I was totally on Wallace and Ladmo when I was little, be jealous. Also my senior year our state championship for softball was televised.
5) What is your favorite YouTube video (feel free to post a link)? I don't feel like posting a link, but it's a funny video.