Apr 17, 2005 01:08
You live, you learn. In regards to the last post. We all know that's just how the cookie crumbles.
Too tired. I spent my Friday night with Emma. I just started hanging out with her. I think she is really cute and I am attracted to her, but whatever. Brush it off, Kel. She invited me to a house party at 10pm, and then we left and went to another house party and stayed there until 4:30am drinking and talking. Crazy shit. As we walked up to my house the birds were singing. I LOVE coming home when the birds are just waking up. It makes me feel oh so young and out doing what a 22 year old has the privilege to do. She spent the night and hung out with me until seven tonight. Where then I drove her home. She's an awesome girl. And the great part about it is she's fucking straight. YES! A STRAIGHT GIRL FRIEND! FINALLY!!! Straight girls just don't make friends with me. Let alone sleep in the same god damn bed as me. Emma is going to be very cool and it's a good thing she's straight cause I can see her breaking my heart.
By the way, I was on day 8 of not smoking, I had one drag of a smoke drinking last night, and it was a shitty drag at that (the very end) I am very proud of me. Not bad. After smoking for four years? Congratulations. Oh! Thank you!!
Goodnight. McCormick. Out.