Feb 22, 2006 15:35
so i realized last night that i haven't updated in a while and so i thought about what to write, but then i realized that the reason i haven't updated is because my life has been hell for the past few weeks and there was nothing positive to write about. so yay. on a brighter note, today is kerry kelso's birthday so happy birthday to her! her balloon was freaking amazing and i'm pretty sure i wasted like 10 of her 50 hits, muahahaha.
guess what?!?! only 17 more school days until spring break!!!! i hope i can make it.
oh and that national geographic guy today was really cool. it pissed me off when every one was talking crap about him because i thught he was cool and actually had something informative to talk about. maybe that's because i like taking pics and stuff, but i thought he was a lot better than some of the other speakers we have had.
so good luck with life guys and i'll post again when my life has been a little better/more interesting.