(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 05:03

My Senior Year

1.) What year was it?

2003-2004 haha

2.) What were your three favourite bands?

The White Stripes, some random techno band, and some random techno band.

3.) What was your favorite outfit?

Hmmmm....probably like a black tank top and the only pair of jeans that fit me nicely, I wore that outfit a lot

4.) Who were your best friends?

Jessica, Rachel, and Dara were the top three I think

5.) What did you do after school?

Music, TV, homework (yeah right) and endless trips to taco bell

6.) Did you take the bus?

no, I rode with Jessica

7.) Who did you have a crush on?

Two of my female friends, and the only guy I really remember "liking" was that kid Mike...*thinks*....Mike something...he was in journalism and all that jazz. Oh, and that club kid, I just "liked" him because he was the first bi guy I ever met, what a novelty!

8.) Did you fight with your parent(s)?

Yes, tons.

9.) Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?

Hmmm....truthfully I don't remember. Oh! I remember....I was in love with DITA VON TEESE! lol

10.) Did you smoke cigarettes?

secretly, and not often at all.

11.) Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?

No, senior year was the only year I used a locker.

12.) Did you have a 'clique'?

I guess very very somewhat, the "club" clique with all their stupid drama and shit....

13.) Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater? (what about Screech, Jessie and Lisa?)

We didn't have anything school related, for my "clique" the run was like our central "be there every weekend" hangout.

14.) Admit it, were you popular?

Liked by a lot of people, yes. "preppy" popular? no. And before senior year, I was geekoid central. (still a geek senior year, just a geek with way more friends.)

15.) Who did you want to be just like?

I actually kinda did idolize one girl at school, but I don't feel like naming her.

16.) What did you want to be when you grew up?

Film director, or sexologist. lol...still planning on one (or both) of those happening.

17.) Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?

Definitely not where I am. I mean, not personal life wise. I didn't think I'd have fallen in love, lost my virginity, had my heart broken, etc etc.

You scored as Female. Awww, your such a doll! So beautiful and wonderful, just like a mother. Ya must be a female.

Male or female?
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