Fangirl Food Poll: Crêpe Samurai and much more.

Feb 26, 2010 22:45

First of all, my apologies for my lateness in sharing the poll outcome. Real life has been messing with me and I actually had to work at my job, leaving me with very little free internet time. Seriously, what's this world coming to? Boggles the mind, it does.

Anyhow, without further ado, I present you with the results of the Fangirl Jury! First of all, thank you for participating! We had 49 participants, which should be quite representative. I've compiled a top 5 of the most loved chocolate bars, which actually turned out to be a top 6 because there were massive ties between them. I guess that a top Six is oddly in keeping with the whole BSG universe, though. Caprica would approve.

Before we go polling again, some fun statistics! There was a huge consensus about Laura being either a strawberry or a cherry, but an existential crisis is looming for dessert Bill. There was no clear-cut winner, but I do want to give a shout-out to the suggestion that he's a "Crêpe Samurai". I have absolutely no idea what that is, but it sounds yummy.

So, next up is choosing only one. The One. Choose wisely.


The plan is the following. One the one hand, there's the result from this poll, the Fangirl's Choice, if you will. Next to that, I'm getting together an "expert jury" to do some real life tasting and comparing. I might need suggestions for the caramel bar though, because I went chocolate hunting in my usual store yesterday and there is NO Belgian caramel filled bar. There are blocks with caramel, and toffees, and stuff like Mars and Snickers and all, but no designated Belgian caramel bar. Shocking.

I'll throw the results of the two of these together to get a final result (50/50 say?). And before you say I'm taking this way too seriously, 1) one can never be too serious about chocolate and 2) there are just a few people out there whom I really want to send some real Belgian goodies as a thank you for the happy fangirling of the past year. I will be posting a call for the expert jury soon, with more details. Like I said, there's a few people I have in mind already, but basically, anybody who feels comfortable giving me an address can participate.

Honestly, pretty much all the names for the bar that you came up with are made of excessive win. You know the drill, choose those you like best. For now we have ticky boxes, and we'll do a final poll between the best ones once the bar is known. I'm aware there are some nut-related names and catchphrases, while we're not sure which flavour will win. This may mean we end up with a nutty name for a bar without nuts. And you know what? I'm okay with that. Let's go crazy.


Oh my god, poll overload... We also had a lot of great catchphrases, some of which were actually linked to a specific name. Sorry for tearing those apart.


For all the detailed results of the initial poll, you can visit this link. For even more detailed spreadsheet results, you can go here.

If you are still reading at this point: yay and thank you! Leave me a note some place if you want me to keep you posted about the "expert jury" (which really needs a better name, sheesh), or keep an eye on my LJ, or friend me to follow this thrilling process. Whatever is, once more, fine.

half-baked ideas, fandom folly, chocolate

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