It Sounds Uncommon Nonsense Part 4

Nov 28, 2009 18:14

It Sounds Uncommon Nonsense

Part 4

Once again, Morgan approaches him about the situation.

“Still talking to Shawn, huh?

Spencer just nods. He doesn’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse that no one besides Hotch and himself know about Shawn’s relationship with Lassiter.

“So, you two have something?” Spencer holds back his laugh at the statement, but still lets the grin slip through.

“We’re friends,” Spencer says, and he can see Morgan trying to make sense of it, obviously believing there was something more there.

“Okay,” Morgan says, still watching Spencer.

“You know how Shawn is,” Spencer says, before he realizes that Morgan doesn’t know, Morgan only saw the outlandish character-act-thing that Shawn puts on. He pushes a lock of hair behind his ear.

“He’s just been trying to distract me all day,” he says, and then inwardly cringes because that just adds fuel to the fire.

When everyone is just about finished for the night Morgan looks over at Prentiss. “Drinks?” He asks, and Prentiss nods.

Morgan turns to him. “You in?”

“I-ah- I think I’ll pass.” He glances at Hotch’s office.

Morgan gives him a looks something like sympathy and says, “Come on, Reid. It’s been a long week.”

Spencer is about to decline when Garcia walks into the bullpen. “Did I hear correctly? We’re going for drinks?”

“You been spying on us, mama?” Morgan asks.

“You should know by now, I never share my secrets.”

Morgan laughs, and Prentiss says, “Yeah, we’re just trying to get Reid to come along.”

Garcia looks at Spencer, and he knows he’s not going to get out of this. “Of course Reid is going to come.” Even though she says it sweetly, Spencer can hear the unspoken threat.

“What about J.J.?” Morgan asks.

“I think she took off early today,” Prentiss says. “This is the first full night she and Will have had together in a while.”

“What about Hotch?” Garcia asks.

Spencer isn’t surprised when they all look at him. When none of them say anything, he snorts and says, as though he’s talking to someone particularly slow, “If you want to know what Hotch is doing, you should probably ask Hotch.”

Prentiss nods, bobbing her head. “I’ll uh, I’ll go ask him.”

Spencer ignores Morgan and Garcia’s conversation in favor of filling out the last few pages of the paperwork for tomorrow.

A few minutes later, she walks back to the bullpen, followed by Hotch. Her eyebrows are raised, like she’s surprised that Hotch has agreed to come.

Morgan raises his eyebrows, too, when Hotch looks at Spencer and Spencer kind of shrugs.

“Move ‘em out, troops!” Garcia says. Everyone always listens to Garcia.

They’re a few drinks in and Morgan has lead Garcia out to the dance floor. When Prentiss heads to the bar to get another pitcher, Hotch leans toward Spencer.

“Not exactly what I was thinking,” Hotch says.

“Me either,” Spencer says.

“I heard a rumor that you and Shawn are in a long distance relationship,” Hotch says.

Spencer smiles and just says, “Yeah. News travels really fast.”

“How does that effect my chances?” Hotch looks serious, even if his tone is somewhat playful.

“You, uh. You want odds on it?” He asks, and when Hotch nods he smiles. “I’d say they’re still pretty good.”

When Prentiss comes back to the table they lean away from each other, both smiling. Prentiss looks between the two of them and says, abruptly, “If I were to aggressively hit on you at the bar, would you find it weird?”

Hotch laughs and says, “As long as you didn’t come across as psychotic, I think you’d be fine.”

Spencer looks over he shoulder and sees a tall blond man leaning against the bar. He turns attention back to Prentiss, who is staring intently. “You look like you want to eat him.”

“Maybe I do,” Prentiss says. Spencer blushes.

“Try not to use that as your opening line,” Hotch says. After moment he amends, “Actually it might be a great opening line.” Prentiss grins.

When Garcia and Morgan return to the table, Prentiss goes after her prey. Spencer and Hotch take part in the conversation, something they all try to keep light. He can’t help glancing at Hotch every once in a while, and once or twice he catches Hotch looking back.

At one point his phone vibrates, and Shawn’s text says, ‘Should I fly out and molest you in an attempt to make him jealous? Cause I’ll do it.’

Spencer types back, ‘Since he knows you’re in a committed relationship with Lassiter, I don’t think he would buy it.’

‘Valid point. But I would get the opportunity to molest you.’

‘Please don’t.’

‘… you’re breaking my heart here :( ‘

Spencer knows that Garcia is watching him openly, and that Morgan is trying not to be as obvious about it, but that he’s watching as well. Hotch just raises an eyebrow, and Spencer flips back to the first message in which molestation is involved.

He leans in and hands Hotch the phone. Hotch flips through the texts and laughs quietly, looking up at Spencer. “He’s pretty adamant about it, maybe you should let him.”

Spencer’s eyebrows furrow, “And you’d be okay with that?”

Hotch’s smiles softens, “No,” he says.

Spencer smiles as he takes the phone back. He and Hotch are still leaning toward each other, and Spencer’s smile softens as he meets Hotch’s gaze. They both sit back up to find Garcia and Morgan are now blatantly watching them.

Hotch asks Morgan about his new girlfriend, and Morgan casts a quick look between Hotch and Spencer before he answers. After a while Spencer begins to tire, he stands up to say goodnight. Garcia and Morgan look at Hotch expectantly, and Hotch rolls his eyes.

He stands with Spencer, leans in close to say, “You were right, our team was on to us from the beginning,” quietly enough so no one else can hear him.

Spencer laughs and says, “They still think Shawn is some part of a torrid love triangle. It’s actually quite amusing.”

Hotch smiles and says, “If I let you leave here alone I’m going to hear thinly veiled comments about it all night.”

“So…do you want to have that talk?”

“Something like that.”

Hotch turns to Garcia and Morgan, saying his goodbyes and letting them know he was ‘going to drive Spencer home’ before he and Spencer head for the door.

Once they’re outside Spencer lets Hotch take the lead. Hotch can handle alcohol better than Spencer, and Spencer doesn’t really want to walk to the station and take the train home. They head toward Hotch’s SUV and before Spencer can move around to the passenger side Hotch grabs Spencer’s wrist and stops him. Spencer is standing close to Hotch, his eyes wide, trusting, and Hotch lifts his hand up, tucks a stray piece of Spencer’s hair behind his ear. Spencer swallows thickly but maintains eye contact, his heart racing.

And then Hotch smiles and leans in to kiss Spencer, gently. Spencer wants to be greedy with it, wants to press himself against Hotch and feel everything. This is new, though, and if Hotch wants to go slow then that’s what they’re going to do. Hotch swipes his tongue across Spencer’s bottom lip, and Spencer parts his lips a little, letting Hotch have whatever he wants.

After a minute Hotch pulls back, smiling at Spencer. “You could always come back with me,” he says, and Spencer tries to look neutral.

The thought of going home with Hotch is intoxicating, but Spencer doesn’t sleep with a person unless he’s in a relationship with him or her. He’s no virgin, but he likes to associate sex with positive emotions. “I… I-uh,” Spencer is flustered, trying to say the words in a way that won’t hurt Hotch.

Hotch smiles and says, “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Spencer didn’t realize he was that easy to read, but he gets the feeling that Hotch thinks it’s his first time or something, and for some reason he feels compelled to change that perception. “I just… I don’t sleep with people when I’m not, you know, dating them.”

Hotch does look a little surprised, but not completely. It’s good to know that Hotch doesn’t think of him as the innocent virgin that Morgan and Prentiss did.

“You don’t have to worry about that, we can do whatever you want,” Hotch says, and he leans forward to catch Spencer’s lips again. Spencer slides one hand around Hotch’s back and lets the other curl into the Hotch’s shirt. They’re essentially making out in a parking lot, Spencer thinks, and he pulls away.

“Okay,” he says, and Hotch smiles.

When they make if back to Hotch’s apartment Spencer has just convinced himself into being awkward again, and when Hotch looks at him and laughs before he cuts the ignition, Spencer knows he makes a face somewhere between pouty and indignant.

“Spencer,” Hotch says, and he leans across the console to brush his lips against the corner of Spencer’s mouth before pulling back. Spencer feels the tension release, and he smiles at Hotch.

Spencer follows Hotch inside, still feeling sort of awkward, and he notices how bare the apartment seems. All the traditional furnishings, obviously having come from Hotch’s old house, and only a few scattered pictures, only a few dvds stacked beside the t.v. to make it personal.

Hotch puts his key’s down on the counter and then turns back to Spencer, and Spencer knows it’s an invitation and he steps forward, pushing Hotch back against the counter. Spencer calculates Hotch’s look a moment before he smiles, ducking his head down to kiss Hotch's jaw.

Hotch makes a noise, and when Spencer pulls his head back up Hotch slides one hand up behind Spencer’s neck and kisses him, keeping Spencer in close. Spencer makes a noise, something that might be a growl from anyone else, and Hotch shifts so that one of Spencer’s thighs is pressed between his own.

Spencer pushes closer, one hand rising and pulling lightly at the hair at the nape of Hotch’s neck. Hotch submits to Spencer’s tugging, letting his mouth pull away and leaving his neck exposed. Spencer bites gently at Hotch’s earlobe before he makes his way slowly down back to Hotch’s mouth.

He may have left a mark along that line, but he’s too busy with the feeling of Hotch’s hand sliding up inside the back of his shirt to care.

After a minute, though, Hotch pulls back completely and looks Spencer dead in the eye. “We really don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, Spencer, it doesn’t matt-“

Spencer cuts him off by surging forward and catching Hotch’s mouth again, one hand moving up to unbutton Hotch’s shirt. He pulls away just enough for his mouth to be next to Hotch’s ear. “I’m comfortable with this; this I could do all night,” he says, and his voice is low.

He feels Hotch’s smile more than he sees it, and he moves back, leaving space between them so that Hotch can see his face. Hotch smiles, and asks, ”Could we continue this in the bedroom?” Before Spencer can respond, Hotch says, “Nothing you don’t want, just… this.”

Spencer laughs outright and Hotch looks confused and somewhat hurt. “Aaron,” he says, and it’s still weird to hear it out loud, “I said I wasn’t comfortable having sex with someone right away. Less worrying, more kissing.”

Hotch grins and pushes himself forward against Spencer, kissing him almost greedily, one hand lightly cupping Spencer’s neck, the other moving down rub one thumb along Spencer’s hip while his fingers dip just below the waistband of Spencer’s pants. Spencer smiles and nips at Hotch’s lower lip.

“I thought you said something about a bedroom,” Spencer says. Hotch smiles and grabs Spencer’s hand, twining their fingers as he leads Spencer down the hall.

The next morning Spencer wakes up half an hour before the alarm is set to ring, and he smiles when he notices that Hotch’s arm is draped over his chest and that Hotch is drooling slightly on his pillow.

Spencer sort of laughs at that, and the movement must rouse Hotch slightly, because he murmurs,
“S’wachywan,” against the pillow. Spencer deciphers this to mean “so what you want.” He shifts his body closer to Hotch’s and whispers, “Just you,” into Hotch’s ear, before he lets himself drift back to sleep.

They head in early enough for Spencer to grab a fresh shirt out of his go bag, but they still have enough time to each take a shower and then manage to make out against the kitchen counter in Hotch’s apartment for a while before leaving.

When Spencer heads back out into the bullpen after changing, Morgan is already at his desk, getting ready for the day’s load of paperwork and revisions. When Morgan smiles at him, Spencer tries his best to look confused and smiles back. Morgan is trying to calculate something, trying figure out what happened, but Spencer isn’t going to make it easy for him.

Hotch takes this opportunity to step out of his office, a gesture meant to indicate that he and Spencer had arrived here separately, and he looks around as though he expects everyone to be here. It’s early still, and everyone will be in by nine, so Hotch just sighs and goes back into his office. He doesn’t look at Spencer, and Spencer just glances up at Hotch, as if curious as to why Hotch had come out.

Morgan and Prentiss openly watch him for the majority of the day. He goes about his usual routines, his eleven a.m. cup of coffee, an hour blatantly reading a few science fiction books rather than doing work. He spends a good half an hour debating Snorks vs. Smurfs with Shawn (‘Snorks could breathe underwater, Spencey’ Shawn texts; ‘what the hell was growing out of their heads? Spencer responds.)’

He only he sees Hotch two times all day, the first being when Hotch walks out to talk to J.J. and catches Spencer reading a science fiction book. Hotch says, “Back to work, Reid.” Spencer gives him the same sheepish smile he gives whenever he gets caught reading non-work related materials, and Hotch rolls his eyes.

The second time is when Morgan is exploiting of Spencer’s lack of paper-football skills. Hotch is approaching Morgan’s desk when Spencer overshoots. “Damn it.”

Hotch clears his throat and both Morgan and Spencer look up, attempting an air of innocence. “What with this being the U.S. Government and all, I’m sure there’s no work to be done,” Hotch says dryly.

“Would it change your opinion if you knew this was a memo the that Strauss sent down?” Spencer asks, holding up the paper that’s been folded into a triangle.

Hotch’s lip twitches, but he doesn’t smile. “Work,” he says. Spencer heads back to his desk.

They’re two harmless incidents, nothing out of the ordinary, but his team is watching him like he’s the star of some soap opera, expecting something dramatic to occur at any moment.

As everyone begins to leave for the night, Spencer hangs around. Hotch is still buried under a pile of paperwork. Prentiss leaves last, and she looks at Spencer expectantly. He just shrugs with a half-smile.

When she leaves he walks into Hotch’s office, sitting down across from him and grabbing a few files off the top. Hotch looks up and smiles. “I thought we had a ‘not at work’ rule?”

“I’m helping you with paperwork. This isn’t exactly a tawdry affair, here.” Spencer pauses, reading through the top sheet of the file. “Besides, I have the feeling you’d kill me if I tried to sweep everything off your desk and ravish you.”

Hotch laughs, “Ravish me?”

“You know what I meant.”

“I wouldn’t be too thrilled, no.”

“Would you rather I go?”

Hotch shakes his head. “No,” he says, “it wouldn’t be a late night at the office without the accompaniment of Spencer Reid.”

Spencer rolls his eyes, but he still blushes.

They order pizza and spend a few hours working, until there are only a few files left on Hotch’s desk.

Spencer clears his throat. “I, uh, I think I’m going to head out for the night.”

Hotch looks up at him, and Spencer knows he’s unsure of what to say. Spencer smiles and rocks
forward onto the balls of his feet, hands in his pockets.

“Okay,” Hotch finally says. “I still have a few files,” he gestures at those still left on the desk.

Spencer smiles. “It’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Hotch still looks confused, like he’s trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do. Spencer moves around the desk and stops at Hotch’s side. He guides Hotch’s head so it’s tilted up and toward him, and he leans down to brush his lips across Hotch’s. Hotch responds immediately, and he bites softly at Spencer’s lower lip, asking for entrance. When Spencer parts his lips Hotch’s tongue slides against his, and Hotch makes a breathy sort-of moan.

When Spencer pulls back Hotch looks at the files on his desk and then up at Spencer. “Want some company?” Hotch asks, and Spencer laughs.

“I’d love some.”

In the elevator Hotch threads his fingers with Spencer’s.

The next day he and Prentiss have to drive out to West Virginia to testify in the Cambria case, and it takes them well into the afternoon.

On the drive back, Prentiss starts trying to casually weave Hotch into the conversation, and Spencer keeps evading the questions, offering obscure and vague answers whenever she asks him something directly. After asking him about Hotch’s impression of Shawn for what feels like the fiftieth time, Spencer sighs over dramatically and says, “Emily, seriously.” She stops with the questions, and Spencer tips his forehead against the glass.

By the time they get back to the office it’s almost nine p.m. And only Rossi and Hotch are still there. Prentiss packs up her things to go, and Spencer lingers, taking longer to get his own things ready.

After Prentiss walks out, Rossi steps out of his office and smiles at Spencer. “So, you figure it out yet, kid?” Rossi asks.

Spencer tucks his hair behind his ear and sort-of smiles. “I think I’m getting there.”

Rossi laughs and looks around the empty bullpen before he heads back into his office. Spencer heads into Hotch’s office, smiling as he sees the completely stressed look on Hotch’s face. “Hey,” he says, “you need some help?”

Hotch looks at him and his expression belies the desperate ‘yes’ Spencer knows Hotch is holding back.

“I have it under control,” Hotch says.

Spencer smiles and takes a few files off the top of the pile anyway. He sits back in what he thinks of as ‘his’ chair and props his foot against Hotch’s desk.

They work in silence for a few minutes before Hotch asks, “How’d spending the day with Prentiss go?”

“It was long,” he says. “It turns out she’s very curious about what you think of Shawn, how often I stay late with you, what I think of Garcia and Kevin and the fraternization rules, what I think of you, what I think of Jack-”

Hotch stops him here, “What you think of Jack?” Spencer flushes lightly and looks at the floor. There’s a moment of silence before Hotch speaks again. “Long term,” he says.

Spencer nods and glances at Hotch again. “I believe that’s what she was going for, yeah.”

“What’d you say?” Hotch asks.

Spencer smiles. “I played the ‘Reid effect’ card.”

Hotch breathes a laugh and Spencer smiles. “We’re going to have to see if Jack can negate that,” Hotch says, and Spencer’s chest tightens. He looks at Hotch, who’s expression is unwavering, and grins.

“I can almost guarantee that he won’t,” he says. He grins as Hotch stands and comes around the desk to stand in front of him.

“Well, we’ll give it a shot, anyway,” Hotch says, and Spencer’s breath hitches as Hotch leans down to catch Spencer’s lips with his own. Hotch kisses him slowly, curling his hand around the nape of Spencer’s neck.

Spencer curls the fingers of his left hand around one of the belt loops on Hotch’s pants, his right hand coming to tug at Hotch’s tie, pulling him closer. Spencer whimpers and pulls away slightly, about to suggest they call it a night, when they hear the distinctive sound of someone clearing their throat.

Rossi is standing in the doorway. Spencer lets go of Hotch’s tie, and Hotch straightens up. Rossi is grinning, and Hotch and makes a vague ‘um’ noise.

“David,” Hotch says, as though it were any other somber greeting. It’s so absurd that Spencer barks out a laugh.

“You might want to make sure the door is at least closed, fellas,” Rossi says, and then he taps the door frame before walking away.

Hotch turns to look at Spencer. “That was…”

“Bad?” Spencer supplies, standing up. Hotch nods. “It could have been worse,” Spencer says, “it could have been Garcia.”

Hotch still looks tense, and Spencer knows that Hotch is going to be uptight and tense and worry about this anyway.

“Hey,” Spencer says, turning to face Hotch. “You can’t do anything about it now.” Hotch is frowning, and Spencer sighs, trying to think of the right thing to say to comfort him.

Rossi takes this time to poke his head around the corner again. “Don’t worry about it, Aaron. Your secret’s safe with me.” Rossi leaves again, calling, “See you tomorrow!” over his shoulder.

Spencer sighs. “You’re not going to get anything done here tonight, you’ll just be obsessing.” Hotch starts to shake his head, but Spencer rolls his eyes. “I know you, Aaron. You’re going to freak yourself out and blow this completely out of proportion.”

Spencer stops talking when Hotch raises his eyebrows. “You’re trying to tell me this isn’t a big deal?”

“Rossi isn’t going to say anything. Talk to him tomorrow, then decide if you need to freak out.”

Hotch’s lip quirks up in an almost smile, and Spencer knows he’s almost won. Spencer takes a gamble and leans in to kiss Hotch, and when Hotch doesn’t push him away immediately, Spencer smiles.

When he pulls back he says, “I bet I can keep your mind occupied for the rest of the night.” Hotch laughs quietly and Spencer says, “Or keep you from thinking at all.”

Hotch nods and Spencer goes to grab his bag before meeting up with Hotch at the elevator.

The next day Spencer is just hoping for things to go smoothly. The rest of the team straggle in later than he and Hotch, which is normal.

When he gets there, Morgan watches Spencer for a few minutes, trying to read him. Spencer just pulls out the paperwork from the last few cases, trying to figure out the best order in which to tackle them. When he drops his pen on the floor and reaches down to grab it, he sits back up to see Morgan’s smile, somewhat triumphant.

“What?,” Spencer asks, genuinely confused. Morgan just grins and shakes his head, remaining silent as they both do their work. When Prentiss walks in and heads straight for the coffee room, Morgan follows her. Spencer sighs, thinking that he’s been through this before and that the act is beginning to annoy him.

When Prentiss sits at her desk, she’s watching Spencer closely, her eyes trying to find something, a constant smile just barely held back. Spencer sighs and shuffles the last of the files to the front of his paperwork. He tilts his head to the right, skimming through the page when he hears Prentiss breathe in sharply.

When he looks up he sees Morgan and Prentiss share a grin, and Spencer is more confused than ever.

“What?” he asks. Morgan and Prentiss just smile.

Spencer stares at them, confused, until Morgan asks, “So, you have fun with Hotch last night?”

Spencer’s brows furrow. “Actually we got through most of the paperwork Strauss has been throwing Hotch’s way,” he lies.

“Alright, pretty boy,” Morgan says, and his grin stretches wider, if that’s even possible. Spencer looks to Prentiss for backup, but her smile matches Morgan’s.

Eventually he just sighs, looking straight at Morgan before he gets up and heads to Hotch’s office. He stands, propped against the doorway, and sighs dramatically. Hotch looks up and smiled.

“Hey,” Hotch says, “what’s up?”

Spencer sighs dramatically again, tilting his head back toward the bullpen. “Everyone’s been staring at me,” he says, and he knows that he sounds like a petulant child.

“I’m sorry,” Hotch says, but he’s still smiling. “Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

Spencer knows he’s being baited, and he groans slightly. “Nothing that would be appropriate at work,” he says. After a minute he tilts his head at Hotch and starts to ask if Hotch is okay when he realizes that Hotch is blushing, faintly.

“What?” He asks.

“You, uh, you have an…. Um. You have a hickey,” Hotch finally says.

“What? Where?” Spencer moves his hand around his neck, as though he’ll be able to feel the bruised skin.

Hotch stands up and comes closer. “Tilt your head again,” he says. Spencer obliges, and Hotch reaches out with two fingers, pressing them to the spot where his left collarbone and his neck meet. Spencer blushes, because he knows that mark is at least partially the result of a bite.

“You can’t see it unless you, uh, tilt your head,” Hotch says, and his voice is strained, and Spencer thinks Hotch must remember how he got it, too.

Hotch lets his hand fall away, and Spencer places his own fingers over the mark. “Oops,” he says. He pauses before he adds, “Maybe I’ll tell them Lila Archer is in town,” Spencer says, just to see the way that Hotch’s brows furrow.

“I’d rather you didn’t,” Hotch says, and Spencer grins. He moves his hand off the mark and straightens his collar.

“Don’t worry, they already think it was you.”

“Really that should be cause for me to worry more,” Hotch says, frowning.

“They’re nosy, they would’ve figured it out eventually.”

“Go back to work, Spencer.”

“Yes, sir,” Spencer says, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to Hotch’s cheek. He’s grinning as he walks away.

Spencer confirms that the rest of the team know when Garcia calls Morgan, Prenitss, and J.J. Into her office. There are a few loud noises, one of which sounds like a squeal.

When he approaches, J.J. notices him and says something which causes the room to quiet down. When he sees the monitors, he realizes why. On the screen there’s footage from one of the cameras that provides an obscured view into Hotch’s office. Though it’s not completely clear, it’s the outline of Spencer pressed against the wall with Hotch pushed forward against him. It’s not conclusive evidence, but he still makes a little helpless noise anyway.

Garcia turns to him and grins, “Oh, it only gets better, sugar.” She clicks a button and the image changes to a view in the parking garage, where it’s visible that he and Hotch get in Hotch’s car and then proceed to make out in the front seat. This time you can definitely tell that it’s him and Hotch, but thankfully the tint of the window they’re still slightly obscured.

He must make another noise, because Garcia turns that grin on him again. “This one’s my favorite,” she says, and the image turns to the elevator feed. It’s a video of Hotch and himself entering the elevator, the time stamp just before midnight. On the video Hotch reaches out and twines his fingers with Spencer, pulling him close and kissing him chastely. On the video Spencer pulls back with a soft smile.

When Prentiss makes an ‘awww’ noise, he realizes he’s smiling that same smile right now. Everyone is looking at him, and he clears his throat.

“You, uh. You probably shouldn’t let Hotch see these.”

“Don’t you want to see the rest?” Garcia asks.

“There are more?” He asks, and his voice raises slightly at the end of the question. Garcia nods and moves her hand back toward the keyboard.

“No! No, uh… you should get rid of them,” he says.

“If you don’t want me to have them you should stop making out in front of cameras,” Garcia says.

Spencer blushes and says, “Just don’t let Hotch know, okay?” And he glances at everyone in the room, feeling mortified, before he walks away.

When he sees Hotch later, he makes sure they’re far enough away from the door that they won’t be seen by any cameras and he says, very quietly, that there may be some surveillance cameras that may have recorded some footage of them doing some stuff, and that they should probably be more careful of following the ‘nothing at work’ rule.

Surprisingly, Hotch just nods like he was expecting this. They’re still in his office, but despite the warning Hotch steps closer to Spencer and kisses him briefly. “No more in the office,” he says, “you’re right.” Spencer smiles, confused, and Hotch continues. “They would’ve figured it out eventually. This just means we’ll have less late nights around the office, and more late nights in bed.”

Spencer laughs and places his hand over Hotch’s heart. “I can handle that.”

Standing in Hotch’s office, with the rest of the team probably watching footage of Hotch and Spencer making out, Spencer has never been happier. And when Hotch smiles back at him, covering Spencer’s hand with his own and with something between affection and desire in his eyes, Spencer thinks that this just might be it. For one time in Spencer Reid’s life, things are going his way.

shawn/lassiter, fic, criminal minds, hotch/reid, psych

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