Coriander: One of the younger Spices. He's gifted in the art of Luck, though you'd never guess it by looking at him. It seems that while he's ace at giving out a bit of good luck here and there, he can't seem to save even a little for himself. By nature he's fairly quiet, usually calm and rather level-headed. He's the one who bothers talking sense when no one else will.
PB: Jamie Campbell Bower
Clover: Coriander's other half. While he manipulates good luck, she has her fun with the bad stuff. Beyond that, she's tiny, adorable and fairly nice to you if you're nice to her but has no problem pulling a little mischief when she feels like it. Once you've fallen in her favor though, it's hard to fall back out. Of course this might mean you'll have to deal with her popping up at random and pestering you out of sheer boredom but really, that's not too bad in comparison to what could happen.
PB: Camila Sodi
Cowslip: The youngest one of the group and more often than not, it's quite apparent. He's never had a body before, never been on Earth, none of it! Everythings new and fascinating to him and yes, he does come off a little dim sometimes (even for someone being new) but he's trying! Sweet and loyal, he can be a little too trusting and immature but he grows on you. He also has a knack for fixing things and when we say things, we mean anything Things, people, tears in the SideLine, he can do it all but don't ask him to explain how because chances are, he won't be able to. The Spices are his family, whether they like to admit it or not, but he's especially close to Catnip and Caraway.
PB: David Tennant
Catnip: Both the fighter and the Mama bear of the group. When Comfrey left, she stepped up and replaced him as the one who would be able to kick ass if need be. She was also the one who found Cowslip and has henceforth practically adopted him as her own. She can, and most definitely will, defend all of them no matter what the cost but especially Cowslip and occasionally Coriander, since they are the two who most often find themselves in questionable situations. Over the years, she's learned more than a few different fighting styles but her preferred method had and probably always will be a good ol' gun.
PB: Venla
Caraway: If Catnip is the Mama bear, Caraway would definitely be the Papa. He's one of the oldest Spices and although he may like to think he's able to handle any situation thrown at him, there will always be something to prove him wrong. He tries to take care and protect everyone else to the best of his ability. However, this doesn't mean he can't occasionally be a bit snarky more often than not and while he's more than willing to give advise to anyone who asks, they all know that it comes with a price. He's also one of the few of them who bothered to get a job, working as an English teacher during the day and occasionally giving out piano lessons during the evening when he can manage it. Usually though, he finds he can't do his night classes because he's busy doing his other job. Caraway, along with everything else, is the Spices' resident Reaper.
PB: Jude Law
Sage: She's the one who started all this Spice jazz. She is, in fact, the very first one to pass through the SideLine into Earth though she refuses to say when exactly that took place. In the SideLine, those who were created there have no names, so when she came to earth and 'borrowed' her first body, she found herself needing a name. For ages she simply used names she liked, switching whenever she felt but eventually she settled, choosing the name Sage and only varying when she found the need for it. It was after this she took to naming any other of her kind that passed through, hoping it would help acclimate them a little more to the new setting if they felt the need to stay. Over the ages, she found herself delving into business, manipulating everything in her favor. Fast forward to the present day and she's a successful buisnesswoman with property all over the world. One of these properties is the place that all the other Spices call home.
PB: Tina Fey
Comfrey: The one who left. He came a little after Sage did, though before any of the others. Things went well for quite a while before Caraway showed up. Comfrey found himself absolutely smitten and simply didn't understand what to do with the emotions. Aside from Caraway, he absolutely hated having a body, hated it to the point where he was nearly suicidal. However, he tried, he really did, until he simply couldn't do it anymore. Leaving Caraway with only a note, he disappears back into the SideLine.
PB: Jeff Buckley
Thistle:Both Thistle and Thyme are faeries, though if you ask them, they won't admit it and simply tell you they're just another set of Drifters. They and the "little" bookstore have been there for as long as anyone can and they've been helping the Spices (offering information and identification when they can or simply a place to go if they need it amongst other things) for even longer. Thistle is the organizer, she takes care of the finances, organizes the books, makes sure things are in working order. However, this doesn't mean she's stuffy, not in any sense of the word though she'll be quick to point out that she is definitely the more emotionally balanced of the two. When they first met, Clover was absolutely enchanted by Thistle, she thought she was the best thing since sliced bread and still thinks the same thing to this very day.
PB: Jordana Brewster
Thyme: It's unclear whether Thistle and Thyme are lovers or sisters but either way it's obvious that they care for each other quite a lot. Thyme is the more emotional one of the two, both with her joys and her sorrows. She's quick to anger but she'll forgive you moments after. She absolutely adores Caraway and Clover and would do just about anything for either of them.
PB: Emilie de Ravin