Mage Wars, and other expensive things I bought.

Apr 17, 2013 00:31

I got my first paycheck from Homestead that didn't have to be used for rent, and I promptly spent most of it on frivolous things. Oh yes.

- Bought MAGE WARS. This is a board game that the guy from I'm Board talked to me about when I was there to buy Evo. It's like Magic, except there is a board (or 'arena', if you will), and a it comes with a SPELL BOOK, so you keep your cards in the spell book and can use any of them at any given time, so the luck factor is slightly higher....although, there is dice rolling involved, so I don't know. Gabe and I WERE going to play tonight, but after reading through the rule book for awhile, it got kind of late, and it just turned out that we didn't have time for it. So, that was kind of disappointing, but hopefully soon. I'm SUPER PSYCHED to play it, and I hope we can get to it soon.

- I also bought "Evil Baby Orphanage", the concept being that you are a time travelling nanny, who is going through time to adopt the baby-versions of history's most evil people to try to help them grow up to be good people. It was only $18, and it sounded like a fun party game, so I grabbed it.

I've really enjoyed spending time (and money) at I'm Board. The people who help me are always extremely nice, and I think a part of me really enjoys supporting a local game store. After Traveler's Hearth went out of business, I get a strong sense of pride knowing that I spent a couple extra bucks to support a local game store (instead of seeing something cool in the store, then going home to buy it online for cheaper). After the Hearth went out of business, I guess I really know how important it is now. Anyway.

- I bought SPACE SHOES!!!!

Err...I guess you can kind of get the idea.

Considering my levels of hip/back/joint pain, not to mention severe exhaustion, I decided that new work shoes would be the answer. I went to Morgan's Shoes, which is a really expensive/snobby shoe store in the same mall as Sundance, and after talking to a guy there about my situation, he pointed to this style. One of my coworkers has these (but with flowers, not stars), and he says that a lot of people who are on their feet a lot, or work at hospitals, wear these for comfort, and to deal with the hours, and being on your feet. They were pretty expensive, and I work tomorrow, so I'm reallyreallyreally hoping he wasn't just trying to get some money out of me. I keep thinking about how I noticed my coworker wearing them, and that's giving me some's also a part of the 'professional collection', so that has to be worth something I suppose. I don't know. I'm sure they'll be fine, I've just never spent $140 on a pair of shoes before, so I'm a bit on edge.

At least they are space shoes.

I also went to the asthma clinic, since my emergency inhaler and advair were both getting pretty low. They gave me about 4 weeks worth of the strongest dose of Advair (A $300+!), as well as some nasal spray in hopes of clearing up my chronic congestion/stuffiness, and of course an albuterol inhaler with 60 puffs on it. I really hope this will do something. I'm honestly mostly excited about the nasal spray, since it's just gotten to a point where I deal with my stuffiness, and sometimes just kind of forget about might be nice to be clear of stuffiness for once.



- Volumes 2 & 3 of Locke and Key (both hardcover). Aaron bought me the 1st volume of Locke and Key for my birthday and I fell absolutely head over heels for it, I couldn't wait to order more. There are only 5 volumes out right now, so I won't spend too much money to catch up, which will be nice in a sense. I am pumpppppppppped.

- Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. Joe Hill is the author of Locke and Key, and I wanted to see what his novel writing is like. I've heard the book mentioned a lot, and I decided to go ahead and buy it.

- Another shirt! Oh yes. This time I got a shirt with a Lego version of Moss from IT Crowd on it. Hopefully, soon, my entire wardrobe will be comprised of silly Teefury/Shirt.Woot shirts and crocheted cover ups. It's who I am, I guess.

- Sailor Moon CCG T_T! I don't know why I did it. I bought a lot when I went through my Ebay addiction last October, and I don't really ever play it. But, I managed to get 10 booster packs for $1 each (plus $6.50 shipping...Seriously...1.65 a pack?! How could I resist?!), and I found someone on Ebay selling "200+" cards, including 2 holographic ones, and I got them for $3.24 (plus $6 shipping)...but still, less than $10 for OVER 200 CARDS. SV&(WEV*(F&# Pretty pumped for that. Although, I really need more card protectors, and I should probably make an attempt to play that game if I'm going to have somewhere around 500(?!) total cards after those arrive. Also, if I have a weird addiction to compulsively buying these cards, I should do something with them. I mean...really.

So yeah...I got a lot of shopping out of my system. I still have money left, too, which is nice...not a TON, by any means, but I'll be able to go out for coffee, or pick up bread, or put gas in the tank, and pay for acupuncture, etc, and that's even considering the fact that I've given Gabe much of the money that I owe I'm glad I didn't manage to overdo it TOO much. I mean, I TOTALLY overdid it, but it could have been much, much worse. :P

Now, I think I'm going to waste some time on BoardGameGeek. I was thinking about playing some FFV (my drug of choice this week), but I guess I'm just not feeling video games tonight.

nice things, board games, pictures, days off, asthma clinic

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