Jan 26, 2008 20:06
Famm, drehkc ryja landyehmo palusa ehdanacdehk. E taletat du fneda drec ahdno eh Al Bhed palyica Tidus nasehtat sa dryd E haat du bnyldela cbaygehk ed ev E fyhd du nasaspan ed. Rikku, ruf ys E tuehk? E vaam mega E nasaspan sucd uv ruf ed fahd, pid drana yna desac dryd E's hud ahdenamo cina. E kiacc dryd'c fro E's rana dobehk drec ahdno eh Al Bhed.
Famm, Namine fyhdat du maynh cbammc dutyo, cu Tidus yht E cbahd desa daylrehk ran. E drehg cra'c syta knayd bnuknacc cu vyn, pid drana yna y mud uv cbammc du maynh, uv luinca. Fa'ja paah vulicehk syehmo uh dra Freda Sykel palyica oui lyh'd kad rind ev ed kuac uvv luinca. E'mm uhmo kad ran fungehk uh Pmylg Sykel frah / ev fa ku vekrd Heartless. E drehg E's kuehk du dno uid dra Dark Knight tnaccbrana ykyeh. Namine, E ruba ed tuach'd clyna oui duu silr.
Ur, Rikku, tu oui ryja yho uv ouin tnaccbranac? Fa luimt syga y days uv ed ykyeh. Yht Aerith, ev oui fyhd du maynh Ym Prat duu E't muja du daylr oui.
Famm, E drehg dryd'c ymm E fyhdat du cyo. Gaab fedr ouin cditeac, Namine! Ed'mm ymm lusa du oui ajahdiymmo.
((OOC Translation: Well, things have certainly become interesting. I decided to write this entry in Al Bhed because Tidus reminded me that I need to practice speaking it if I want to remember it. Rikku, how am I doing? I feel like I remember most of how it went, but there are times that I'm not entirely sure. I guess that's why I'm here typing this entry in Al Bhed.
Well, Namine wanted to learn spells today, so Tidus and I spent time teaching her. I think she's made great progress so far, but there are a lot of spells to learn, of course. We've been focusing mainly on the White Magic because you can't get hurt if it goes off course. I'll only get her working on Black Magic when / if we go fight Heartless. I think I'm going to try out the Dark Knight dressphere again. Namine, I hope it doesn't scare you too much.
Oh, Rikku, do you have any of your dresspheres? We could make a team of it again. And Aerith, if you want to learn Al Bhed too I'd love to teach you.
Well, I think that's all I wanted to say. Keep with your studies, Namine! It'll all come to you eventually.