Pissing away my time...

Sep 13, 2009 19:14

OK, so I gave in and downloaded Supernatural 5.01. Which is my new obsession, and is consuming me whole. I'm this close to actually writing some sort of fanfic, bad as it may be, and it's all Castiel's fault.
The season premiere was freaking hilarous and awesome. I squealed many times. It requires bullet points.
  • The recap at the start was rockin', and made me drool at the thought of watching season 4, as I missed half the eps. Come to Australia, little DVDs!
  • Sam walking down the stairs past the skanky guy and girl: M. thinks he walks like a robot or some sort of puppet-man. Made me laugh.
  • Walnuts! Oh, Dean.
  • The fangirl bit made me LOL and squirm in equal parts.
  • Awww Bobby! 
  • I definitely squealed when Castiel appeared and beat the crap out of those angel-bodyguard dudes. Even though I knew he wasn't dead, I didn't KNOW, you know?
  • And that protective sigil thing was SO just a reason to touch Dean. OK, maybe not. It was just a bonus.
  • Don't cry, Sam! Dean still loves you!
Now I just have to refrain from watching it a third time while waiting for the next episode.

fangirlishness, blah, spn

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