May 01, 2012 01:38
wow. LJ's interface looks so different now.
what a great change from a few years back.
i guess the readership on this site has dropped significantly hence it seems easier to say things aloud.
i dont feel like falling asleep now.
to be chased by the dreams.
to be awaken by bright lights.
to feel another day had past.
if only i could freeze time..
with technology and social media catching up on us.
to keep abreast of situations, it is impossible to stay away from it.
yet again, i feel time is wasted on such.
gone were the days when you can free your mind and just stare at the sky and wonder.
since most prob, you wil b interrupted by instargram-ing the clouds.
if only we were freed from this entanglements.
everything is improvised, or rather minimalized, all in the name of convenience.
a million games can be stored in your ipad
a ton of functions, calculator, notepad, scribbles, can be stored in your iphone
a million books is equivalent to a kindle
from keyboards to touchscreen
from black and white to technicoloured
hopefully i am not the only one who hates this advancements, i would still like to hold on to the actual book, a simple board game, pushing the buttons on the calculator and feeling a keyboard to type on.
today i realise that i didnt pen down as much thoughts on this r/s i had since i decided to stay away from blogging due to the consuming work schedule previously. i guess i should now. thanks for all the love you have shown albeit undeserving it sometimes are, i truly appreciate every gesture and i hope things will work out just fine for us. so heres something to express my feelings now,
Crazy Ride by Michelle Branch
Goodnight big moon
Sweet dreams baby
If i could have one wish tonight,
it would be that
You'll always keep, keep the starlight in your eyes
One day you'll grow up
One day you'll walk out
in this big world on your own
And they'll be days that your heart will break and
You'll swear that all your strength is gone
Then you'll find a way to carry on
Heaven knows that its a crazy ride
It's never perfect all the time, it will pull you down
And send you flyin', so baby hold on tight
On this crazy ride
So don't be scared when
Your in the darkness, and the sun is swallowed by the ground
You'll think its gone but its hanging on
Its just on the other side of town.
Even when its lost, it can be found
Goodnight big moon,
Sweet dreams baby