Oct 25, 2008 01:19
days have been really busy this few days.
saturday: getting lost umpteen times, 5 hours long photoshoot, skipping lunch, dinner at Spageddis with SBD (:, Nights In Rodanthe with mr cute(finally our crispy popcorns!), Red Line with Y.
sunday: R&R!
monday & tues: updating SBD. confused times.
wed: realised i have a stalker =/, shopping!, STEAMBOAT! with 3cS without charissa.
thurs: taking super long to decide on lunch and lunching outside, got rid of the X-FI finally, CHERYL!, dinner/chilling with colleagues.
fri: pilates, OT, 3cS without chloe (shopping + major catching up)
YAY to long weekend! :D