Aug 02, 2007 00:56
Today I did a whole buncha crap. Wanna hear? I betchya do. Or don't. But I'm saying it anyways... YAYY!
So last night I stayed up until four because I'm cool like that, but THEN I had to wake up at eight because I had to BIKE TRAIN. The bike training was complete crap. I didn't eat breakfast because I didn't want to be late, and that's not really good for a diabetic, especially if you're about to bike for 35 miles in four hours with 30-second breaks. I forgot to take my inhaler in the morning so whenever we went up a hill I had to like close my eyes and concentrate on breathing. MEANWHILE JR and Ben (who apparently mountainbike all the damn time) are speeding ahead of our group because they're lil assies! MEH!! Oh and when we stopped for lunch, I ingeniously ate Burger King. I'm sure it was totally the best thing to eat at the time o.0
So we're bike training because my camp group goes on this bike trip we're leaving for on Saturday (shit, that's soon), it's a 200-mile trip in five days, and I'm fucking DYING. My legs are seriously gonna fall off.
So after bike training until I couldn't breathe, I was low blood sugar, and my legs were totally cramped, I was completely drenched in my own sweat (which is disgusting, by the way). So I had to rush home to shower so I could go to my physical (a six-month late physical, mind you) and them jerks gave me FOUR shots. I feel like amputating all of my limbs, they're all about to fall of anyways.
Then, I went to dinner with my mom and she threw a hissy fit because she overheard my brother saying "I hate my parents sometimes." on the phone because he's a genius like that. After about a half hour of hearing her complain, we went to the CAMP SHOW! (aka the definition of fun times) My Teens group had to sing "All Star" by Smash Mouth (of COURSE! My favorite song!! ...No.) Me being me, I basically screamed the song out while my friends were trying not to laugh. I'm like the class clown! Weeee!!
And tomorrow I'm bike training all over again. Dee-Dah-Dee!
YAYY for venting about how shitty my day was! I am le tired.