Jan 27, 2008 00:58
I keep being hit with things I want to write, and I just write, write if one hits me. They're not always particularly good, and they usually lead into OTHER stories and it goes ona dn on, but my hope is one of them might end up good, and to just keep writing them as they come to me. They're usually just small scenes and stuff.
So I was listening to "If You Could Only See" which I always connected to The Bastard because I used to, and I've tried to ignore that since (I once thought, when I could hear this song and not think of him once, I'd be completly healed.) I'm not at that point, sadly, but its just a little not in the background, a slightly out of tune note that can be ignored and still let me enjoy the rest now, instead of shunning the whole thing. So I heard it and I heard the line 'If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says, when she says she loves me.' Which was the absoltely worst line before because of The Angst.
And suddenly, something pops in my mind. About all those Sirius/Remus fangirls I *snort* at so much. About, well, WHAT IF -REMUS- LEFT SIRIUS BECAUSE HE WAS AN ASSHOLE AND TONKS LOVED HIM MORE? HUH, HUH?
The thing is, it's tottaly crack in my head. Complete crack. Because I don't -actually- think that's what happened at all, and I'm making fun of them.
But I know, even as I plot it, that I'll never be able to post it because no one will get its crack. I'm writing it very serisously (SIRIUSLY!) and so, someone reading it might think- very well- that I'm being completly serious about it (SIRIUSLY! *IS SHOT*) and I'd get flames from BOTH ends. One from the R/T fans who don't think Remus is gay and are annoyed by the fangirls (I'm one of them after all), and the others from the insane R/S fans I'm making fun of who will go HE LOVED SIRIUS GGRRR! And honestly? Sirius in it IS possible, kinda, but not -really-. It's looking at SOME aspects of his personality and dneying others, and I like Sirius too much as a character to, TRULY depict him as this. -I- know its crack, no one else will though. And FOR everyone else to know its crack, I'd have to write it REALLY badly and REALLY out of charatcer- capitla letters and screaming and what-not, and I'm not willing to do that.
Which is fine, you know, I can write this for myself.
Except it's turning out... really really good o_0. Which isn't FAIR because the storyline is, quiet honestly, something that would never happen and is intended to be crack. Except only I KNOW its crack.
Maybe I can post it up with a REALLY big warning label of THIS. IS. CRACK. ... but I just think no one will get it, anyway.
harry potter,