Apr 23, 2005 20:59
Hey people. Self-Psychoanalyzation: I think i might be using this journal as an escape mechanism. This weekend ive decided to cloisture myself in my room until i finish my term paper. All ive let myself do today is go to orchestra and im going shoe shopping tomorrow, total waste of a weekend. But this whole cloisture thing itsnt working out that well. I mean just think of all the things u have in ur room to do u know? All of a sudden its too dirty, so u start picking up clothes or u find a book that u really want to just reread for like 15 then 30 then 45 min, u know how it goes. How did this happen, ive only got 4 days left of school and between me and graduation are at least 8 pgs and 3 quizes. concentration level=0 right about now. Guess what, there was a clinical study on senioritus (saw this on the news) and apparently its like an epedemic in this country. Perscribed remedies include ending school earlier and doing a project instead (thank u holton), taking college classes second semester, getting new electives or having college counselors threaten kids w/recinded acceptance letters. Yet i wonder if it would really have any effect? Prob not, a senior's gonna behave like a Senior (haha i made a funny). Alright back to it.
P.S. Jo- we need to get Jordan a Xanga, scruffy w/sunglasses works for him mmmm COLD SHOWER! hahaha , did u see him blush when we went no holds on him? soooo adorable
P.P.S we need to kidnap Javi
P.P.P.S Everyone is invited to DCYO's final concert (and my final concert after 14 yrs!!! ack soo many saturdays) on May 22, concert repetoire at this point is questionable but u can meet Jo and Jordan
P.P.P.P.S promise this is the last post script-Nadi i think im gonna go to HFStival and Klo i think im going to ur regatta next weekend