Doctor Who - The Doctors Daughter

May 10, 2008 21:41

...=| Under the Cut... for spoilers... ack!

Review points:

1: 'You've got Dad Shock'...  who DOESNT love Donna?! Super Temp Donna kicks arse!
2: The Doctor hugging Jenny when she backflipped over the lasers. Dad!Ten Love going on right there made a warm fuzzy feeling erupt in my chest. Awww ^^,
3: 'i never would'... god damn it Ten, PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER! HE WOULD! Gahh, i wish he'd have pulled the trigger. That guy did my head in.
4: Martha going Home... FINALLY =D
5: "I'm going to travel with this man forever"... Part of me wants Donna to travel with him forever, but i dunno if my little Rose/Doctor shippy heart could bear it, i mean, i'm still hoping RTD had a change of heart and Billie is coming back for good and coming to live in the TARDIS and her and The Doctor live happily ever after... Three's a crow ya know ;]
5: Jenny dying made me cry. Mainly because Ten was crying (quite right too!) and that was just... gah!  glad she came back though, although she seemed a lot more psycho! hahah psycho!Jenny... cant wait to see her again!
6: The doctor saying he had kids before... WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?!  Im glad they included a little more into this about the Doctor himself. Just makes it seem like we're getting to know him a little better each time we watch.

All in all, i think this was a good episode =] One of the better ones in this series definately.

And I fail at reviews. So shh xD

doctor who

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