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Jan 01, 2006 15:28

Last night was New Years Eve and I went ice skating with Amy at like one-ish or so. Then we went back to Amy's house which was fun wehre we didn't really do much for like... I don't know, long time.  Amy drank a lot of coffee, no surprise there though.  Yeah, she drank like three cups worth ? I personally don't understand how someone can drink that much coffee but whatever.  Yeah, whatever. So at like nine, we went over to Stephanie's house which was pretty fun.  A lot of people randomly showed up at differetn times.  There was a lot of food, so I was happy. I love food, I swear. I think I eat too much. Oh well. Yeah, I had to be home by one because my parents are retarded... But oh well. We left at like... 1235ish. Yeah, I felt bad leaving early but my parents are stupid and made me be home by one and Stephanie lives kinda far away... So yeah. Then I got home, fell asleep at like 330ish. I woke up today at like 11:15 or so, and earlier I was at some party-ish thing. Just like, a gathering I guess, at a family friends house, but with lots of people there.  Yeah, now I'm bored.

So Kevin and Amy did this so I think that I might do this... Seems like fun. I guess. I'm amused easily. And yeah, it's 2006 so HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ! i hope you allll have a great year <3

January -- This was probably the worst month, for various reasons that I'm not sharing. Some of you probably know. But yeah, Stinili and Jasmine and Gretchen and some minor others helped me get through it so now I am and I'm glad. Yeah I love my friends <3

February -- An okay month, I guess. Not great. I went to Florida though for February break, which was fun. Even though I was sick for like two or two and a half of the days, but I just slept on the beach and by the pool. Probably one of the most relaxing months that I had. I met one weird guy though in Florida, but yeah... Yeah not much happened this month that was interesting.

March -- Had the DI competition and Sadie's. Yeah, I don't know. I think this was the month that I found out that my family friend, Sharon, was really sick and had like... Breast cancer I think ? But she's all good now. I think Spring Break also began in March, I love Spring Break. Even though it wasn't that warm I don't think. God I don't even remember what happened this early in the year... But I remember March being a good month for some reason. Oh well.

April -- Probably the most uneventful month that I had. I got into one big fight with a couple of girls that are probably some of my best freinds, but things were resolved fairly quickly and so I was glad. The fights probably also strengthened our friendship probably so whatever. I think I became really good friends with Molly this month too, which was exciting. Oh yeah, also this month it was ALi'S birthday, yay ! I love her. April was a mediocre month, nothing too exciting happened.

May -- A pretty fun month, my friends through me a surprise party on the first which was pretty fun. Yeahh, I got condoms for sure for my birthday. That was rather interesting I guess. My birthday was the 12th which was fun. Yeah, got into two bad fights again with some of my best friends over the gayest of reasons and they were also resolved quickly. Yeah... my mom's birthday was this month, the 30th. I remember hanging out with Gretchen a lot in May, I don't know why I remember that. May was funnnn I guess.

June -- I think Liz and Sandra's birthday party was in the beginning of this month ? That sounds right. It was reallyy funn whenever it was. Hannah, Mel, Jana, and I had fun on our little scavenger hunt. It was also the month of Jana and Melanie's birthday parties ! Fun parties I'm not gonna lie. Even though I had to leave Melanie's early, but oh well. Oh yeah, Mackinac was this month, yayy !! I love Mackinac a lotttt. It was a really fun year, even though it was a little weird without some of the girls that had always gone but it was very fun like always. I brought home a lottt of fudge, especially cookie dough which a lot of my friends had a lot of. And liked a lottt. I went tubing with Gretchen for the first time this month =) Fun stuff.

July -- Let's see... 4th of July block party with Gretchen was extremely fun. And we had to change our clothes what, like, fifty times ? Yeah thrat sounds right. Summer school began the fifth, I met Amanda (well, caught up with her again I guess) for the first time since like, summer before my freshman year. It was excitinggg. I also talked to Pat a lot, and I met Stephanie, Joe, and some others. It was quite an interesting three weeks I'm not gonna lie. Quite a range of emotions. But it ended quickly, and I was pretty glad. Yeah, July was probably another really relaxing month for the most part, or at least the second half. Oh yeah, I also went backpacking! Fun stuff, I guess. TJ's birthday party was also this month. Hm... yeah, it was a good month.

August -- Yeah, really good month too. The two things that stick out in my mind are camping with GRETCHEN and Gretchen's birthday party! Camping was amazingly fun, and Natalie is the cutest little girl EVERRR. i love her. So does Gretchen. Gretchen adn I basically went to the beach everyday, and just layed out or had funnn in the water. Haha I remember my sister Grace being like MOLLY BLOW ME ! Cause of her little like, noodle thing that you could blow and it would squirt water or whatever. It was hilarious. And there were quite interesting guys, haha they reminded us of some of our kinda friends... Yeah. Her birthdya party was the day after we got home from camping, every dressed up. It was fun, we danced and stuff... Yeah.

September -- Interesting month I'm not gonna lie. I missed Melanie's end of the summer party because I went to Canada and to Wonderland, an amusement park. But it was pretty fun. Homecoming week this month was great, and so was bowling after homecoming. Yeah, not many notable things happened this month but it was still interesting and fun. Edit :: (cause Gretchen wants me to put this in here) It was Gretchen's sweet sixteen the 11th ! Yay =)

October -- Probably one of the most dramatic months for reasons that are not going to be discussed. But the drama is over... Thank god. Dana's Halloween party was this month ! Yeah, fun stuff. All us girls dressing up like whores is so mcuh fun times. haha That just sounds so weird, but oh well.

November -- The DRAMA was finally resolved, and life resumed to be normal. Thanksgiving break and Kathryn's birthday were this month! Fun stuff, I love breaks off of school haha. Oh yeah, and the two year reunion of mine and Kathryn's FAVORiTE DAY EVER ! hahah fun stuff. November really didn't have anything too exciting happen in it.

December -- Yeah, so this is technically last month. Weird. I was definitely wanting Christmas break, and tomororw is our last full day of break. But it was really fun while it lasted. I swear, I've hung out with friends every day except Christmas, which I kinda did too at a party-type thing. Yeah, I got some good stuff for Christmas. New years was fun. Life is good.

I had fun, and that took forever. And yeah, I amused myself by coloring it.

Have a Great 2006 Everyone ! <3
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