Made with Photoshop CS2
We are going to be starting with this image
Step 1
-Create a color fill layer E9C58D, set it to multiply 100%
Step 2
-Create a color fill layer 9D3E0, set it to softlight 20%
Step 3
-repeat step 2, or duplicate layer (Ctrl+J)
Step 4
-Dulpicat your base (Ctrl+J) and drag it to the top
Step 5
add color balance layer
Shadows: +6, +11, 11
Midtones: -11, -1, +8
Highlights: -5, +4, +5
Step 6
-add Hue/Saturation layer.
Master: +10
Reds: +10
Yellows: +20
Greens: +10
Cyans: +30
Blues: +15
Step 7
- reduce noise
Preserve Details: 95%
Sharpen: 61%
this is what you should have now
you can either stop here or continue to the final result.
Step 8
-rotate you image horizontal
Image>>Rotate Canvas>>Horizontal
Step 9
-put this layer on top and set it to multiply 100 %
This is what you should have now
Step 10
-make a diagonal selection around you image like this (using the polygon Lasso tool)
duplicate that selection (Crtl+J) and set it to Screen 49 %
Step 11
-Set this
to lighten
((sorry i cant remember who made this))
Step 12
-Font used "DJ Fancy:
HERERotate this text until it suits either your liking or ther example.
then you done, this should be your final product