Hey guys, Welcome to
Below you will find a list of teams that have been, for the most part, randomly assigned. We have tried to spread around those who have been here before to make them as equal as possible, but nothing's perfect. ;) That's why we give team awards for consistency and participation as well as points. Anyway, lets get to the list:
summerwrite2 Teams:
Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
aquaticpoetry anilinium acushla712 aidanself candy_chan babytoaster aurumsisters catw00man becs_x bluesunsets durakan bgreane crescent_gaia elvenflutist canadianevil darthneko flexanimousone glab_by_the_lb dreamwriteremmy hopelesswarning heartundone enchantedsister houseofknaus houfukuzettou haliyah in_excelsis_dea lorilann jedishadowolf jessicareloaded meepalicious ladyrhyanne jupitersings olramthegreat1 lightexplore lilimist poeticthings lilacviolingirl lissachicka skypiratekella linterambiel mystik78 smakn meg1742 okmewriting solitaryjane michigangirl ruledsecrecy the_wondering_1 pesha sayit29 tigerlilymusing seal_girl sirwynai writingvixen starre257 xocoatldreams uchimaki_always supersyncspaz27 zippitgood yay_college xiangru_yan xguhx zeddish Ok, now that you've found your team you need to join your team's community.
Team 2 is
seasonwrite2Team 3 is
seasonwrite3Team 4 is
seasonwrite4 The way this works is that if you want to participate for both individual and team awards you will need to post to your daily counts to both the daily word count post in
summerwrite2 and in your team. I am the one who keeps track of the daily counts for
summerwrite2. This means if you do not comment to the main community post, I don't see you and will not have counts from you. Your team mods will be keeping track of your counts for the team so if you only post to them you will not be in the running for individual awards. Also if you do not post to your team, you can't help them! So please, get your post in in both places.
Also, as a reminder, there is no combining of word counts for multiple days anywhere. This is the biggest no-no in the community because it messes with the awards and points systems and can cause your team to be disqualified. So please, keep your daily counts separate even if you end up going back and posting several days at a time. You may always go back and post your counts at any time but we ask you try to get them in by the end of the week so the end of week stats we post will be correct. Otherwise the other hard deadline is the end of the months because I'll be making up awards banners and once they are made I won't be changing them for late counts.
Ok, so I think that's all the big stuff. Please, go join your team comms and get acquainted. :D Also if you have any questions or would like to be added to a team feel free to comment. For other questions you can also see these posts for explanations.
FAQ - This explains how the whole community works
Word Count Reporting - This tells you in more detail what I talked about here. Wen and where you need to post your counts
Game Rules - This explains how the team game works