(no subject)

Apr 01, 2006 12:06

so today is my last day in TO for spring break. I had a good time visiting everyone. went to 3 track meets, too bad i didnt get to see my bro run a good 800 though, however he has gotten pretty fast in the 400, 53 4 by 4 split= not to shabby. other than the meets i pretty much just chilled with friends. then the new quarter starts up next week, i think that im going to have to start trying this school year for a change otherwise i wont be passing this next quarter, its gonna be pretty tough. one thing that sucks is that i wont be home for my b-day which is next tuesday the 4th, cuz i'll be back at school. but thats ok cuz i think that i'll celebrate by going to morango (the casino) to win some money. oh also i played ssb ( aka super smash brothers) against allie, pat and eric. i won the first two and then stopped trying and allie won the next three, just to boost her confidence. pat and eric didnt win any. so allie says that she is the winner which she is cuz she won more than me but i would have won if i actually tried. so congrats allie, i gave u the victory haha. anyway it was good visiting, and next time i'll be back is probly easter and then after that it will probly be the end of school. so good luck to everyone and i'll see ya'll later.
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