Aug 16, 2005 04:30
what is up with that.....i go to clean my house, throw out papers i don't need and there are like 8 million notes phil left for me random times while we were dating......and like a dumb butt, i start reading them...........WHY??????? i don't know, he's on first and i don't give a darn, what oh he's our shortstop...............sorry slipped there........gonna have to go visit the dreams park tomorrow to collect hugs...........what a moron......breath breath breath....YOU DON'T CARE.....YOU ARE BETTER OFF.....EVEN IF YOU ARE ALONE.....THINK OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS.......LUIS....sigh he's so nice.........his eyes and smile......he smells good too........the nurses and patients like him too.........i had a good time on thursday......hanging with friends....hehe.. yeah lisa, jay, jud, alex and emily......grass fights and i got a bruise from hitting my head on the pavement.......that was kinda didn't hurt hte next day.....breathe......stop is 4:30....there is no one to hurts..... im sick and tired of it.....when will it stop....when i stop being a moron and throw out those notes.....ok i think i just had to get that breathing now......
I had a dream last night that i had a little girl....she was like 2 or 3 and running around. she fell and started crying and i scooped her up and kissed her knee and bounced her around....she started giggling.....i think i actually felt that love for know that most moms feel for their kids.....and i have been all about no i don't want kids cause i really don't.....but that was a great feeling.....i just remember being extremely happy....i guess if i meet mr. right and he wanted them......yeah i would have kids. random thought that just popped into my head......something definately not in the near future..... goodness i so don't want kids until i am done with college and that is years from now......but i was happy in the dream.....she was beautiful.....sigh....yeah right....can you see me having a beautiful kid? JUST KIDDING gonna get so many notes about that comment right there.....hehe....
i start college again in 6 days....i can't believe readier now than i was.....i ahve stuff like notebooks and pens now....i have to get certified in CPR....hmmm to find a i hate procrastinating.....stink, and i said i was gonna be better about not procrastinating.....and i have to buy books.....i wish bills would just dissappear....yeah that will happen next to never......ok not even next to, it will be never.....
i love it when you are talking to someone and then later you are like "man i should have said......" yeah i find that i do that a is horrible then you are like i am gonna remember htat for next time someone says that to me, then someone does and you draw a blank or it comes out horribly wrong.... i do not know where htat came from but yeah it just kinda came out.....
the other night when luis was on, i was going down the elevators to get my nurse to get a mt. he was like hold on for one sec...he finished what he was doing and then was like ok lets we went down and then he was like wait for me i will be a i put the money in the machine but it wouldn't work....i couldn't get the mt dew to come out....the button wouldn't work, and i was still working at it when he came back... he started laughing at me but he couldn't get it either so i got to pick on him for that....then he whispered like it was a conspericy or something like that "im gonna take you somewhere to get one, it is secret" i was like ok......hehe.... so yeah we went to the Docters lounge..... he got me one and was like you want anything, dude thier fridge is stocked more than ours on the floor..... so yeah i was like no im good....then random thought popped into my head (cause there was mt dew and chocolate icecream) i thought of a float with them.....(my sister mel likes them) yeah so i just kinda blerted it out, and he looked at me and was like did i miss something, i felt kinda dumb.....but it was ok cause i covered it good, i was like no just something us weird people like.... he just laughed....i love making him laugh....he has such a wonderful not weird.....really im not.... im not obsessing.. am i? im done......hugs