blast from the past

Nov 06, 2009 08:58

Whoa. It's been a long time. I would not be here if it weren't for an email I kept from brother in my bethel email inbox saying I should lj again. I have spent probably the last 40 minutes reading and reliving my old college life through these entries and ashamedly have laughed out loud at my own humor.

Is it bad that I think my college self was funny, looking back? Only at some points. But then again, I know how my own brain works so of course I liked re-reading it. This is like the worst lj entry ever... me me me.

Some things have definitely changed...

I can no longer stand leaving all the letters that should be big to be little. I've worked in professional settings now that have squashed that youthful habit. I hope that doesn't mean that now my lj won't be fun to read (not that anyone is reading it). It already looks a little too stuffy to me. Hmmm.

Life has kept going, and I've gone through many a season since my bethel days. I no longer live with all my girlfriends, but I do live with one of my girlfriends, and a boy, and my pastor, and a supercute 1 year old with a unique name.

The latest rage at our house, as in only around me and bert, is the word 'super' but instead of super, you say supa-blank and add a word. Most often one may overhear shouts of "Supalame!" or "Supacool!" Except we don't do it when the Wassinks are home because they would totally think we're weird. And Bert doesn't really say it. But trust me, it's fun.

I hope the next entry is more interesting. I know you do too.
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