hyouteiexchange posting started yesterday!
Modding an exchange is exhausting and occasionally causes massive organizational headaches, but I'm really excited about it. We have some amazing fics and art, so all you tenipuri people who are not already watching the comm should do so.
Speaking of tenipuri, everything so far was
just the prologue? AHAHAHAHAHAHA I think that may be the longest prologue ever (can you think of any other prologues that lasted for 379 chapters? I certainly can't).
I am both excited and horrified by this news.
On the one hand, I really think tenipuri went downhill at the end (I rolled my eyes so hard at Ryoma's amnesia that they nearly fell out of my head), but on the other hand, I still adore it. I'm alternating between 'yay! new canon' and 'I don't know that I really want new canon, especially if it's going to suck'.
The husband & I ended up not going out for Halloween, so I didn't dress up. I did go buy a bunch of candy, but we didn't get one single trick or treater. We live across the street from an elementary school, so I know there are kids in our neighborhood. What do kids do on Halloween if they don't go trick or treating? I always went as a child. Hell, my friends & I even went when we were in high school.
At any rate, the husband and I now have a shit ton of candy. Is it possible to OD on milk duds? If it is, I'm pretty sure I have.
I'm totally late, but I watched the video for Northern Downpour. I ridiculously love everything about, but I particularly ♥ the air piano.
Also, Bob = awesome, as usual. I totally need a Bob icon.