(no subject)

Jan 11, 2008 09:51

Things I did yesterday:

1. Wrote 400 words for silentlikestone before I realized it was utter crap that my recipient probably wouldn't like. Started over, wrote 300 words of pure smut. Now I have to write some plot to go with it. Have not finished the rewrite of my torishishi I was talking about a couple days ago.

2. Ate the nastiest lunch ever. Well, maybe not ever, but it was pretty gross. I had some leftover stirfry, but not enough for a meal, so I bought this instant noodle thing (one of those microwave noodles, add sauce packages). It was cheap, it sounded yummy, and I thought I'd mix in the stirfry. I love cup ramen way too much so I figured I might like this. Was I ever wrong. The sauce was super good, but the noodles appeared to be made out of glue, if glue tasted like cardboard. I ended up picking out the stirfry veggies and throwing the rest away. Blech.

3. Found the Harry/Hogwarts fic I read ages ago and lost the link to. Was pleased with my googling abilities.

Not Your Everyday Infatuation by Rushlight, NC-17
"It's just that there's a reason we don't generally allow students to stay the summer at Hogwarts," Dumbledore said. "The castle tends to get rather... fond of them."

4. Watched Art School Confidential. It sucked. There might have been a good movie in there somewhere, but they didn't manage to find it. I think the main problem was that they were trying to do too much. It was very unfocused and just all over the place.

5. Tried to watch Hero, but I fell asleep about 10 minutes into it. I didn't even make it long enough to figure out what the main plot was, but it was a very pretty 10 minutes. The cinematography is lovely.

I was up way too late night before last organizing and adding to my recs on del.icio.us. I absolutely love del.icio.us. It's easy, I can use tags & bundle them, and I can save stuff that's not on lj. So much better than memories. I got most of my stuff moved over there a while ago, but I only just got it all organized. Everything is sorted by fandom and then by pairing. So far fandoms include Tenipuri, HP, Hikago, SPN, Kyou Kara Maou, Bleach, Gravitation, & Good Omens. I still need to get the SPN & HP sections up to date.

My recs on del.icio.us

food, movies, recs, fic exchanges, my google-fu can beat up yours, recs: harry potter

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