Post The First (so as not to inflict the monster post of doom & pictures on my poor flist)

Feb 09, 2007 22:23

So, Prince of Tennis. Is fabulous. FABULOUS.

I haven't read the manga yet, but I've started watching the anime. I watched the first episode and thought This is cute, but silly. I watched the next couple episodes and thought This is cute, but silly. I doubt I'll watch all 178 episodes/read 300-something manga. I might as well watch all 10 of the episodes I've already downloaded though.

Now I'm on episode 65. I have downloaded the anime, all 300-something manga, the subbed OVAs, & the specials, plus I've spent most of today reading PoT fic. *facepalm*

I don't need another fandom. I don't do anything in the ones I already have!

Random PoT question that none of you will care about/know the answer to:

This is Oishi. Take a look at his hair. Notice how it's two different colors & has little dangly pieces?

So, is he wearing a thing on his head? Does he just have really weird hair? I need to know.

Rob thinks it is maybe a pantyhose skullcap thingy a la 50 Cent, only tied in the front.

bookshop' Guide to Prince of Tennis, including The Gay and The (canon!) Crack. You should read this and feel the Tenipuri love.


I'm taking Statistics this semester. It's the first math class I've had in eight years. EIGHT YEARS. It's kicking my ass.

Also, I found out last week that UTK is offering Witchcraft and Wizardry: the Literary Phenomenon of Harry Potter as a Themes in Literature class this semester. Why could I not have known this earlier? Say, last semester during registration. I hate my program. I need a Harry Potter class to restore my faith in UT and the non-wretchedness of being a lit major. If they don't offer it in the fall I might cry.


I signed up to write a SPN Valentine's Day fic. Normally this would be a good thing (it's Wincest! It's smutty!). Unfortunately, I hate what I've written so far. Even worse, I've forgotten what comm it was for. Apparently I forgot to actually join the comm when I claimed the prompt. I am the biggest loser ever. *headdesks repeatedly*

Post The Second shall be flocked as it contains pictures of my hair and NWS naked men.

i'm a dumbass, uni, tenipuri

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