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Apr 06, 2009 18:41

ooh, i am so excited to be back in academia candyland. when i really school someone in postmodern critical theory or think about my thesis ethnography or argue the pants off neoliberals it gives me the same raw pleasure feeling as i imagine a bear feels catching and biting into a wiggling salmon. and, since being back, I can for the first time appreciate kalamazoo and how radical and wonderful and empowering it is instead of focusing on all the same shit that's keeping everybody down. hoorays! basically, i feel like this is moment that i can get serious and be hugely productive because all the resources are there, begging me to do the worthwhile, terrifying things that i've been saving for a time when i might be grown up enough to handle them. digamos, sentirme asi me da la misma sensacion como tuviera una funda de relampagos para todos los instituciones y cualquier wallstreeter que los merecen, y verdaderamente, yo creo q en cada segunda tenemos el poder cambiar todo hacia nuestros suenos, tan complicados y diversos que son, porque no tenemos nada to count on for our future, so why the fuck shouldn't we scrap everything we've inherited and create some serious, ecologically and socially sustainable policies, for pete's sake? The social contract has been broken by our government and our justice system, and how long should tacit consent continue a political economy based on ideology that fucks over 80% of our species? Sola una falta del liderazgo, la organizacion comunal, y la comprehension/education of every citizen perpetuates this baloney. not for too much longer.
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