. : Have you ever : .
Flashed someone: No.
Told the person you liked how you felt: Yes.
Been to michigan: Nope.
Gotten really REALLY wasted: Yep.
Gone to jail or juvi: No.
Skateboarded: Yep, I can only go forwards...lol.
Skinny dipped: Kind of...Hehe.
Stolen anything: Once.
Kicked someone's ass: Yes.
Pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes.
Broke a beer bottle: Yep.
Gotten into a bar, under-aged: Nope.
Kissed someone of the same sex: Yes.
Gone on a road trip: Nope.
Gone on vacation without adult supervision: Hmm...kind of, yes.
Been to a concert: Yes. Going to one tomorrow! XD
Been to another country: Yes
Talked back to an adult: Yep. I did that today and nearly got whacked.
Got pulled over: Nope...too bad I can't drive.
Got in a car accident: Nearly.
Broke a law: Nope.
Given money to a homeless person: Yep.
Tried to kill yourself: No.
Cried to get out of trouble: Twice.
Kissed a friend's brother or sister: Yes.
Kissed a brother or sister's friend: Nope.
Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: Haha! Yes! I dropped a spring roll and I didn't like the man so I give it to him.
. : Private Life : .
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: Nope, don't want one right now.
You have a crush: No.
Do you love anyone right now: No.
Have you ever been in love: No.
How many people have you kissed: Four...
Who was your first kiss: Some one that I regret kissing.
How many hearts of have you broken: One. Hahahahaha J! I love ya!
How many people broke your heart: One.
Best quote to sum up love: "Everything is clearer when you're in love" - John Lennon
So what is your bf/gf/crush like: Nasty.
Do you have a picture of him/her: No.
Please post it if you do: Go away.
Do you have a picture of yourself: Yep.
Please post it if you do: In your dreams!
Do you go by looks or personality: Kind of both but mostly, personality!
Ever kiss a friend: Yes.
Are you still friends: Some, yes.
So moving along, do you smoke: No. Smoking harms your baby.
Do you smoke weed: No, I'm clean.
ever trip on acid: No...haha.
How about a little x: What...? I don't think so.
Crack, heroin, anything else: Fuck no.
Beer good or beer bad: Bad! Ewwww! Tastes like pee.
Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: lol, wine coolers? Nope.
Do you like Smirnoff ice: It's alright.
Prefer beer or liquor: Liquor...
What kind of cigarettes do you smoke: NONE! Be proud!