This explains so well one reason why I am glad we live in densely-populated inner-ring suburb of a major city. Our neighborhood is on three bus lines, has plenty of shopping and dining within easy walking distance, and yet manages to be fairly quiet and peaceful most of the time. We're a mere block (albeit a longish one) from the main drag of our suburb's business district, about three blocks from a very nice park overlooking the lake, and roughly 20 minutes by bus from the center of downtown Cleveland. Yes, I do have a car, but the point is that I don't have to drive it on a daily basis. We can even get groceries on foot, provided we don't mind getting them in small quantities rather than trying to buy an entire week's worth at one time. We can walk up the street and enjoy a meal at a small family restaurant, any of a number of taverns, or a place that has some of the best barbecue around. My fiance rides the bus to and from work, and I hope to do the same soon. (I'm jobhunting.) I can even get to and from the university by bus, and students get a very good deal on semester-long passes in the spring and fall.
Having lived in everything from rural areas and far-flung exburbs to inner-city neighborhoods during various periods in my life, I have to say that the type of area where I live now is hands-down the best mix of creature comforts and ease of transportation I've had in quite some time.