Aug 05, 2004 13:04
ok i dont mean to be condisending or evan asshole-ish but what the fuck is with people being sXe?
seriously no one can say they are truely sXe. if you eat red meat your not sXe. if you drink your not sXe. i mean you cant live your life by a set of beliefs and not follow every one . maybe i have my facts wrong and im the one at fault here but, isnt it a bit hypocritical to say you live your life one way and not actualy live it that way?
the world is so fucking confusing and with every new day i feel as though im bombarded with fifty million new thoughts and questions that need answering. on the brighter side of that i feel im that much closer to enlightenment if taht is even atainable . im not some person to look up to nor am i trying to achieve diety status but i just feel like i ahve had more time to ponder the wysteries of life than the ordinary oerson my age.
im begining to look at life with a whole new perspective. im begining to appriciate the strong bonds i have with my freinds and family. its strange how being away from people you would normaly surround you revery waking moment with, could bring on such a revalation.
ok so ill be 18 saturday so i have to register to vote, and exorcise other privalages that come with being 18. im not some protester that goes out and tries to shove voting down your throught but i feel like its something everyone should do when they feel the time is right for them.
wow holy shit this is alot for me.
a few words ill choose to leave you with "fuck it, nothing in life matters so live it up & do not dwell on shit you have no controll over"