Sep 06, 2007 19:31
I think people put them selves in boxes too often. They proclaim that, this is the way I am! This is how I think! These are the things I like! This what I hate! This is something I would never do!
I do it. We all do it. But I don't always hold up to those proclamations. I often contradict my self. I say I hate orange -- but see a shade that pleases me. I tell people that I always get a certain way in a --blank-- type of situation. And yet when it happens the next time, I surprise my self with viewing the event and my emotions differently. I say I hate country music, and then I hear a song that I can't help but sing over and over and over.
I think that people are too eager to find out who they are -- then announce to the world who they are -- before they get a chance to get to know them selves. We want to feel secure by knowing our every mood, our every like and dislike, our taste in music, people, food and color that we put our selves in these tight-fit boxes with no room to grow. And -- I know when I do that -- I don't give my self the time of day to let another side of me bleed out. I don't give my self time to try new things, experience new adventures because I'm so set in the fact that I "know" my self too well to not like those things.
I think boxes should be left for putting presents in, or moving, or shiping. Everyone should take a little time to really get to know them selves, before they stamp their own lable on their own form fitted container.