
Apr 12, 2004 01:03

The squirrles are running a muck in the house today...Sully, the dog is going nuts. She is trying to follow them all over the place. I am awake but I want to be asleep! I filled out all my financial aid stuff, did the tax stuff and hopefully the job will call me tomorrow.
I am still trying to figure out how to work the damn journal... but I think I am totally ignormant about it all.
I tried calling Patrick, he wasn't home and that made me mad. I wanted him to be home when I wanted to talk to him, not when he wanted to talk to me. I hate that. I am a horrible firend. I worry that he saw Justin...that would be drama. Sully is sitting here watching the vents...funny dog.
I am tired, but not tired.
Boo, I'm gonna try and watch tv, its raining and thundering. i would just sit down there and watch the weather, but my head is running a million miles. My life sucks right now...I want to slepp. and I am hungry...sully is going to catch a squirrel and I am going to have to rip it out of her mouth...damn them.
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