Oct 16, 2003 19:23
Left while I was gone. :)
Him: Jennt
Him: oh, oops your little name thing is gray, i guess that means that you aren't really there
Him: oh well
Him: maybe you have gone home? hhhmmmm, well if you have then have a GREAT weekend, tell michael hi for me, although if you have already left then you won't get this message and therefore cannot relay any message to Michael for me, oh well i guess i shall have to leave it at have a great weekend. Which i say with emphasis! For i know how much i look forward to going home and thus have a least a little inkling as to how much you desire it. wow, i could have said that in a lot fewer words. Well sometimes the higher preist is unecessarily wordy because he can't quite spit it all out at once, hopefully this is a forgiveable transgression, although it is a transgression against the god of language. and the higher preist finds himself in a philosophical/moral quandry. Does the goddess demand absolute service therefore negating the possibility of my begging forgiveness of the language god?
Him: *stupid too many character rule. I mean comeon how is one suppose to have a meanigful conversation when they know that the dread "too many characters monster lurks just around the corner waiting to devor the last part of their message in which they may have been building ot a finale and woosh you are forced to erase it. But wait, could this be the god of language again imposing arbittrary character length rules in order to encourage concise writing. Hmm i think that i have uncovered a deep divine depraved design to limit human expression. well this requires some serious thought! Do I uncover this plot and reveal the manipulations ofthe gods? Or do i trust that in their superiority they know what is best? i shall have to ponder the nature of deities. you see now the daily struggles of a higher priest, blanced on the edge of the human and divine.
Him: every problem leads to more problems until the only solution is to find the answer to Life,the Universe, and Everything. So feel free to email me as i embark on this most noble and insane quest for the elusive beast called "Ultimate Reality"