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Aug 18, 2005 15:48

mmmk so today totally rocked my socks like no other day would ever have rocked them haha confuse you yet? newhooooooooo
1st - same old same old .. mrs zap said i could sit behind kristie now!! woooooo!!! so thats awesome i dont hafta shout at her nemore haha
2nd - easy class a bird course for me to say the least .. chem is beyond easy in a regular class ..
3rd - ahhh mi lover to be is in this class = ] hes gorgeous .. and im doin kick ass in this class BTW lol
4th - typing .. eh .. befriendsome some freshies = 0 !! i kno i kno .. weird. .lol but thats cool w.ee
5th - french .. easy .. short .. though very boring and billy sucks ass cuz hes annoying but the kid behind me is nice = ]
6th - days winding down .. me and brock make our daily jokes .. we could hang out this weekend?? maybe?? who knows me and kanookie most likely will saturday tho! WOOO
7th - history .. good times with donny being a dumbass .. wow .. lol kid cant take notes to save his life im telling ya lol!!
then on the way home i called <3 Kevin and asked how the bus ride was going hahah ya kno since he'd rather ride a bus then be with the cool ppl in the AM lol .. then he hung up on me and 10 min later called to see if i would drive his ass home lol so i was his mom for the day and picked him up and dropped him off hehe i heart him = ]
well theres my day
extremly kick ass
lifes amazing right now!! wooooooooooooooo!!!
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