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Aug 12, 2005 22:34

hey guys .. today was interesting i guess .. went to anna's funeral .. i havnt cried that much in a loooong time .. it was so hard seeing her family .. i knew her sis and it hrut sooo fuckin much seeing how hurt she and her family was .. i gave her a hug and said i was sorry .. and i truely am she was more then neone else could have been she had a heart of gold and cared about everyone and put them first in her life .. and no one can ever take that away .. after the funeral i had to come back to skewl for AP history .. and then lets see what else happened .. i cried in skewl .. ppl kept askin dumb questions like "how was it" and im sittin their crying .. umm lets see USE UR BRAIN jeeze .. newho then swim practice omgomgomgomgogm me and brock are FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! we missed each other ALOT we have ALOT to catch up on so he might come over tomorrow and chill after imd one workin and everything .. its so weird how u go sooo long without talking and then BAM ur almost best friends again like u talk and EVERYTHING clicks its beyond crazy ya'll have no idea .. im so happy he's back like in my life again and he told me how happy he was that i talked to him first and took that first step into bringing our friendship back we had a very nice moment in my car today that neither of us will b forgettin we appologized and wut not figured out what went wrong it was our deepest moment to date definalt amazing = ] hmm then work .. i got a 10 DOLLAR tip!!! these ppl spent 2300 DOLLARS tonight and me ash and this one dude loaded thier call and he gave each of us 10 bucks he was beyond nice
so even tho i had a major down today i learned alot today about growing up .. preserving friendships and being as optomistic as possible .. lifes to short to be a downer right???
ily guys!!!!
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