7.12.O4 <- a dAy tO rEmeBer -> lmaO

Jul 12, 2004 22:23

hAh funny day learn alot of new things but ill explain at the end of the entry or ill underline them im such a dOrk lOl

my day started off ok i guess woke up around 9:43 i guess. i can never sleep late in my bed. anyway then called emily and sung happy b-day with to her since its her bday. she told me her mom did the same thing. then i clean with my mom bc my sisters graduation party was saturday. then i cleaned my room and got dressed. it was a pretty crappy day out and is going to be all week.!  i noe it suxs WAIT IM GETTING OFF THE SUBJECT. then me and my mom went to the target to get emilys b-day presents. i got her the same hair striagener i have and an 8-pack of gum. i got flip flops that have little chicks on them and i got lipgloss =) and i got 30 blank cds that have different colors and thats it. then me and my mom went to the mall bc she was looking for enzos sandles and i was standing far back  from her and shes like what r u doing and i was like i dont want to be seen with you and she got mad at me lmao. then we went to wawa and i got gum and a french vanilla and i drank it like before we got home. then wen we got home i got emilys presents together and asked her if emily could come over and we got into a big fight over how emilys over here all the time and i walked out on her of course to go to emilys. then wen i walked in i started crying about how much i hate my mom (wen i do) and i told her i wanted to call my dad bc i was about to move back to NE and i called and my dad wasnt home i wonder why when it was raining . and emily mad me feel better and i gave her her gift and then we went in her room and i layed on her bead and we talked and we were talking about whos bed was more comfortable. and all this stuff and then i was like have you ever been on your brothers bed and shes like um no and i was like LOL and shes like you go so we went in there. her brothers bed is like bunk beds only theres no bottom bed. and then we saw the dry earse borad and it had joeys cell number and steves number on it and em put chunky is cool and i put surfing usa. then i saw the werid nj book and took it then we went into the living room and i was reading the book and me and em were talking about the book and talking about the NJ devil and emilys like what about his mom? is was funny and i read about three tomsriver things and the garden state park was thing. and stuff and it kinda freaked me out. but anyway then her brother came home and was like i noe you have the book SO WHAT . hah so we keep reading. so then her mom droped off shoprite food and we put it away and i was liek em meber peedle and we were cracking up (its an old inside joke from like 5 grade) so anyway i was on the floor laughing. so then we put the food away and her mom came home from getting pizza.  my favorite. so were eating and talking and stuff and its funny so im going for my 3 peace and chey goes megan is that your 3 peice and emily goes of coruse it is its PIZZA. lOl <-- so then we went to kohls and i got an ankelt bracelt and and shirt thats pretty.<3 so then we came home and ate cake and icecream and emily got dashboard confessional cd and candy and money and then i walked home in the pouring rain and burned the cd and my mom drove me back. and now im here in a happy mood! wait just got into a fight with my mom if i could sleep down stairs and iAM and i dont care wut she says she can go sucks something for all i care. !

xO slEep tIgHT mEg

pS. no One LeAves coMmEnts aNymOre =(

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