my world has came crashing down around me.
randalls going into the army...hes leaving friday too go too kentucky too get all the physicals and things done, then hes going to Fort Benning in Georgia...and hes supposed too be shipped out in june.
im shocked and sad and im going too cry but i cant express any emotions right now.
all i know is now i have too move back asap so i can see him one last time...hopefully not for the final time.
*sigh* i am so against the war and against us fighting, but hes my best friend and i love him, so i guess i will support him in his decision, i know i cant change it, its too late too change it now.
emo kids just do not belong in the army, he has a better head on his sholders than that, hes a brilliant writer and the best gutiar player i know.
god i hope he dosent get killed over their, i will kill myself then, i hate this but i cant do anything about it.
and he had too break it too me in a fucking e-mail.
im a mess and a wreck right now.
<3 :(