so... guess who met pete and patrick last night?
yeah. that would be meeeeeeeeeee
i rule like that.
but i accidently poked patrick in the eye! but his glasses were on, so i didnt hurt him. sorry patrick! i feel so bad lol but he gave me so many hugs i lost count,so apparently were on good grounds lol and then i was backstage when i met pete, and me, martine, daivd and krystal were the only people too meet him, becuase we just kinda darted for it over by him and hes like *tell everyone i would love too hang with them but my bus is leaving like right now so i cant sorry*
so i got too go over by the baracades and be like *pete told me too tell you guys...* and my god i felt so impotant and speical lol
so yeah....
*thats the lead singer of the cover up, a GREAT band, he grabed my hand and held it for a long time and was sining too me, but i think he broke my hand lol*
the lead singer of cover up again
*pete standing on top of a amp, he fell once on his face :( it was so sad lol*