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Jun 14, 2007 12:53

supposed to go for trng ytd before heading to tanning, but in the end i skipped trngs agaiN! muahahha! cuz i woke up late. uh oh. yusri and i planned to make jay chou and mich spend time tog, so we came 2 hrs late. hahahaha! bet they have some bonding manx! is so weird to go tanning with jus the four of us, but it was stil fun though. (: played frisbee and soccer. LOLX! and guess who we saw? qian! ((: nvr seen her b4 and its sucha coincidence seeing him there. jon was there as well, ohwells that bastard. come on laa, why dont dare to tok to us and pretend that u dont know us? be a man please. anyways, cordy came after her pw meeting as well. that emo kid, LOL! she went down into the water herself while the rest of us were camwhoring laa. hahahaha! after that met val at vivo and we went for dinner b4 gg to visit adrian at cck k box. hahahah! actually cant believe that we will go there cuz val is so ang moh!! LOL! adrian was asking why i nvr join campus superstar after hearing how i sing. LOL! im so afraid people will say i bhb seh. and this kinda thing is based on votes, so if got no votes means cant get in also laa. plus. . i cant imagine myself telling people 'hi im contestant so and so, please vote for me'. LOLOL! i cant LMAO manx! anyhow, i jus think singing is my leisure laa. ahhaha! val and me were crazy ytd nite due to over- tiredness! we sang this cute song entitled 'culcutta'. LOL! and we went high and sang out loud when it goes 'kali kali cutta cutta ayoh ayoh'. LOL! now the song lyrics is all over my mind! ((: AHHAHHA! i love singing with you manx girlf! adrian and cordy jus cant stop laughing at us laa. muahahha! reached hm like 2.30 am ytd. damn tired! gotta find my mood to get studying again. holidays like ending soon! uh oh! let's get it started! ((: toodles people!

they can jump super high!

that's yusri

see the effect of cap flying. LOL

cordy, me and mich

look at cordy! hot bimbo! ((:

cordy and me

mich and me

us again

another shot

we love camwhoring! (:

qian! what a coincidence!

tt's our jay chou (:

jay chou with yusri

presenting to you. . . LOL

hello new frenz!

val! my girlf
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