Jan 16, 2002 00:08
Yes, I feel like a (very sore) moron right now. I fuckin' fell down the steps to our porch earlier tonight and busted my ass hard. I jammed my tailbone and spine so hard that I was literally paralyzed for a minute or two. I know I'm gonna be so sore in the morning. I hope I just bruised it and didn't do any real severe damage to my tailbone or back. I am so clumsy sometimes! I'm always busting my ass in one way or another.
And my damn broken foot was just getting healed enough that it wasn't really causing me any problems (except getting sore when the weather changes).
I guess this week isn't looking much better than last week. (For many more reasons then just this... all kinds of bad shit went down today, but I'm too sore to bother with writing about all that at the moment.)
PLEASE let things go right for a change tomorrow!!!!
On a good note, I finally got to have a nice lunch with Momma and we got along a lot better than we have been lately.
I'm gonna try to get some sleep now. I'm exhausted from the strain of today.
Just too damn much.