(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 05:18


There are several eyewitness reports that three people were arrested
for peacefully protesting at the Port of Tacoma at about 12:30 AM
Monday morning, March 5.  They were protesting the shipment of Stryker
Brigade equipment to the illegal war and occupation in Iraq.  One
person was brutally dragged on his stomach and another was shot by a
rubber bullet as they were engaged in non-violent protest.  The Tacoma
police appeared to have become less violent after the media arrived.

Media who want eyewitness testimony should call Zoltan Grossman at
360-359-8871 or Patrick Edelbacher at 925-518-9060.  They were
witnesses and can direct you to others.

The war is now being brought home in profound ways.  These protests
were part of a continuation of protests begun last year against the use
of the Port of Olympia to ship offensive weapons to Iraq.  The military
at Ft. Lewis decided this year to avoid the use of the Port of Olympia,
but rather to ship arms at the Port of Tacoma.  For background
information in 2006 see www.omjp.org (then click Port 2006.)

For a recent article on the current plans for resistance see "Next
Time, we'll be ready for them: Port MIlitarization Resistance returns
to defend the Port of Olympia" http://www.olywip.org/wip/node/484
Both last year's protests and this year's are not directed at the
troops, but rather to support them by ending the illegal war as soon as
possible and getting them home this year.

The military equipment is still at the Port of Tacoma and peaceful
protests are expected to continue this week at the port and elsewhere
in the city.  A vigil is planned for by Olympia Port Militarization
Resistance (OLYPMR) and Tacoma Port Militarization Resistance (TPMR) in
Tacoma at Pacific and I-5, from 4-6PM on Monday, March 5.  Bring signs
to oppose war being exported from the Port of Tacoma.  On Tuesday,
March 6, there is a planned rally at Noon at the Federal Courthouse at
1717 Pacific Avenue in downtown Tacoma.

To protest the brutal treatment of the peaceful protesters please call
the following numbers:

Mayor  of Tacoma 253-591-5100
Tacoma Police 253-798-4721
Tacoma Police Public Information 253-591-5968
Tacoma Sector Command 253-591-5431
Tacoma Community Liaison  253-591-5583 and 253-591-7892

Please send this information widely to others.  Other cities may want
to consider having protests in support of the Peaceful protests in
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